thoughts of a whimsical artist
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
da! da da, da da, da da da da da da
Firstly: my finger is better--although now I've done something else to it.
Secondly ... um ... um ... Welcome to my life ... for now.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Finger
And by now you're probably wondering just what I've done to my "poor finger." Yes, it is my finger. Well, It all started a few days ago when I was making cupcakes.
I don't actually know how it happened, but while the cupcakes were in the oven, I noticed that I had somehow cut my finger. Then a few days later when I wasmaking myself a sandwich, I burnt the tip of my finger on the--um--er--pan? And then somehow somewhere I burnt my finger again. Then it got poked a bunch of times while I was making stuff out of craft wire. youch!
Yeah, now do you see? And now it's all bandaged and shrivelly. Um, yeah. . . don't take your bandade off to check your finger, it's not usually pretty.
Oh, yes you should definitely take your bandade off at somepoint, that's only healthy. Just don't do it like while you're eating or something.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
More Bloggy Business
I know, I know that makes you want to go click it. Go ahead if you must, but it's not at all interesting, nore is it what I was going for.
And why you might ask would I want categories in addision to labels? Well, for now I'm fine with out them, but really organizing is so much easier with categories and tags. Think about it. The tags would be more for finding the individual posts, and the categories would be more for finding groups of posts. I'm sorry I'm not at my clearist today, so if that didn't make sense you'll just have to look it up.
Oh, in other news, I'm getting a new case manager. She seems nice, but I've had to postpone meeting her twice, so I haven't met her yet. And PT I think is going well. My leg does seem to hurt more with all the streching and excersizing, but I'm not really sure what that means. I want this to work; I really do. This would be my right leg if you've lost track. hee hee
O my gosh yes and how could I forget? I have a bed! Well, sort of. I don't know if i mentioned this before but I had been sleeping on a matriss pad for awhile, but now I have an actual matriss and boxspring. More about that later though, and other things.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
No Scratching
There now, I've said it. It does not make me feel better to have said it, but at least now there is a record. My falt of course, I have to own it and that maybe makes it worse, but I knew better and so it was my falt. I blame only myself.
It sucks, but there it is. ... sigh
Thursday, May 26, 2011
And I didn't have to call The Firemen! hehe
So, I am back on but the stuff I really wanted to blog about will have to wait for another time because now that I am back on I am not really in a writing mood. Deal! jk I love you all.
O and my experimenting with format and stuff, yeah that didn't work. Not this time anyway. Sigh. Good Night.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Of Shoes and Shopping
So I have a pare of white sandelsz that I love. When summer comes around, I wear them every day and my sneakers basically go in to summer hibernation. I even where these sandels to church and sometimes in the rain if it is not too too bad. But This summer I am afraid that I will not be able to wear my beloved white sandels. I've had them for some time now and they are very very warn and the bottoms should start coming off any time. So basically I need new sandles. So with out further ado, I present, a story of shoe shopping.
This weekend E and I went to find another pare of sandels that I could wear to death and for a few years. I guess that is part of why I am so picky, because I don't have the money to shoe shop that often. So I need sandles that I will love and that will last awhile. But first, here are my requirements.
- slip on is prefered, though not required
- open-toed
- I am not a fan of thongs
- I don't like leather
- I don't like black or brown
- I don't want any kind of heael
- I would like some elivation to my sandels, not because I am short, but because if I am going to wear open toed shoes, I'd like to be not so close to the ground
Sounds simple right? ... have you seen shoes lately? So basically, everything I don't want is what's out there. And on top of that, a lot of what I don't want is what makes a sandel. How I found the perfect pare the last time I'll never know.
So E and I visited probably five or six different stores and found nothing. It was dress pants shopping all over again! Although actually we almost did find one pare, but in the end I decided that I wasn't in love with them. Guess I should learn to make shoes too huh?
So I bought coffee. Yup, I couldn't find shoes or chocolate-covered coffee beans--yes I have been looking for those for some time now--so I got coffee instead. The quest continues!
Oh, and in other news? Eddie and I are learning
song, among others. There may be another Eddie link for you soon. =D
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thursday Night Partay!
Greetings! Can you guess what I've been up to? It's amazing how much time some things take up really. Today is Running Slippers' birthday. He is gone though so I won't be able to celebrate with him :( But he always goes back home for his birthday anyway, so I've never been able to. I have plans though ... oh do I have plans.
I think next week I'm going to start trying to be a real person instead of a sedintary mass of bla. Wish me luck.
Oh yes, and Also, I've been seeing a physical therapest about my leg. I know, finally right? It's too early to say how much it's helping right know, but he's a nice guy and everyone at the office seems really nice. I love that because I don't always know what I am doing or how to go about things and people with little patients or just general bad attitudes just make everything worse.
Sigh, what I wouldn't give for something munchy right now. But I think just now there is no more to tell you so I shall leave you with this
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
In Colors
All curled in my warm cocoon.
There is comfort here, in my cocoon,
Curled as if inside the womb.
Safe from harm, safe from cold
Safe from all the outside bold.
Blue for peace, a calming breeze
Green for vibrant life at ease.
Warmed I am and warmer still,
Warmth until I've had my fill.
Heat is white inside this cage,
The flaming white of multant rage.
Fevered burning roiling churning
liquid fire turning turning.
Boiling over, it can not stay
Until it melts and melts away.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I got hangers! Yay, but somehow there are still clothes on my bed and kitty loves them. Tee hee
Darling Finn is finally going to get fixed! I know right, it took them this long? They aught to be ashamed.
There are no more sweet potato fries to be had. We ate them all. Darn you universe!
I think I may try to post more story stuff while I am thinking up what next to share with you. That way you won't get so lonely when I am away for days on end.
Uuummm, guess that's it. Good night. Be back soon.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Universe Speaks
So I had sweet potato fries and you know what? Darn the universe anyway because sweet potato fries are adictive! They are like crack! I want more of them! I want want want want want! And now I am looking up things to do with ritz crackers.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Funny Tone of Color
Some people are tone deaf while others are just fine. I like to tell people I am tone sensitive, although not necessarily in terms of music. No matter what you say to me and no matter how well intentioned, it is always your tone of voice that I will react to. I know that seems pretty obvious, but for me it is the equivalent of reading facial expressions. I can not read facial expressions, so you can only imagine how much tones of voice mean to me. That being said, you might think I would have a problem with sarcasm or deadpan humer, but actually I don't. I do have problems when people aren't careful how they respond though.
I am not much bothered by distracted tones. If I feel I actually need something from you right then I will just keep on with my request, otherwise I am likely to drop the issue and come bug you later. Annoied tones are different though. If I come to you and your first response rings of annoyance and I can not immedietly identify what is annoying you, I will assume it is me or something I did at some point and feel bad. The worst one however, is anger. If I come to you, and you have just been having an argument with someone or you have been getting frustrated with something, and your response to me is angry even if it's not at me, I am likely to flinch, back hurridly away and avoid you for the rest of that day. For those of you who are wondering, yes, I am told I was a joy to raise, hehehe.
I won't say that I have not been guilty of any of these a time or two myself, but some people just don't realize and I only wish they would be more careful. Or we could all talk like Ben Stein and I'd be hopelessly lost. lols
Saturday, April 30, 2011
In Other People's Lives
People and places and events stick with me even when they are fictional. I carry them around with me like so many helium balloons; floating and bobbing along and every so often catching my attention. I love stories, real or fiction, whether I am a physical part of them or not.
So that is what I am doing right now. While the roomies watch their movie in the family room, I am curled up in bed under my little blue blanket reading other people's lives and pushing away the sadness. When I read, books, other people's blogs, facebook and twitter updates, I can forget myself and the sadness that has been so lately pulling at me.
I want to melt away. I want to curl up inside myself until I am strong enough to come back as myself; to push away the sadness and be happy. I will be happy again; for my friends, for myself, and so that when I tell people that I am ok I will really mean it.
Sometimes I think of my future. I don't know how it will be, but I can picture several different scenarios. They usually involve family or friends and always a pet or several. Sometimes my imagination is so vivid that I long for that future self, but mostly I am content not quite knowing where I will be. I am happy enough to be where I am and let my life play out as I make my choices, good ones and bad ones.
As to my poor darling fin, he is still here with me, still not well and the both of us are still awaiting protocol and procedure and for people to decide we are important enough to get back to.
Off to find my happier self. =:
Friday, April 22, 2011
Freak Freak Freak Freak Freak freak freak!
It looks like I will have to call up that friend after all, but darn me for thinking him up the other day!
I'll keep you updated. Keep us in your thoughts
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I Thought Too Long For A good Title Here
Ah but alas,what else shall I do? Perhaps I'll actually write today since all the other times I said I would I never actually did.
Well in other news, it looks like my weekend is full. yay finally! I have missed hanging with people.
So long for now, more for you when the muse calls back. =D
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
*heart*Love of My Life*heart*
So I was going to post something fun and maybe quirky for you from my thought banks, but really I just want to share Eddie with you. I have been trying to find a way to do this almost since I started this blog and now I finally can!
This is just a little peace of happiness from Eddie and I for you. I dis like my voice so I will not sing for you, but here is
Sorry the sound quality is not ideal, I will work on that. Also sorry about my nails; they are way to long and I need to cut them. Anyone who clames to love me wanna buy a pick for me? I will love you forever! Lols actually you really wouldn't need to buy me a pick for me to love you forever.
I am happy enough for your friendship. =D
And now you have heard my wonderful Eddie. Doesn't he just sound so happy!? I hope you enjoyed. There is more where that came from. Well,, lovely dreams all!
Monday, April 18, 2011
- getting out, or at least off of my bed
- filling out more job aplications
- finishing my newist story project
- laundry
- cleaning and organizing some of my random stuff
OMGosh Blogging!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Painful Slumber
Friday, April 8, 2011
All The Bananas!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Much Too Much Taring
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Love And Laughter
Saturday, March 26, 2011
... want?
- a dragon He of course must fly, however full blown firebreath is optional
- angora goat preferably a small one
- a pegasus-drawn chariot
- a griffin
- invisibility spray
- a male quartet Either a capella or with a piano accompaniment is exceptible.
- jazz band
- flying carpet
- sealion Not to be confused with a seal.
- an empty shopping mall So that I can run around in.
- elephant ride
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sleeping Away
*sigh* O well, perhaps someday my bordom and inability to sleep early will do great things for me. perhaps I will discover something useful. lol ah well, maybe, maybe. Also, it is really hot in my room right now so that does not help at all. I think I may need to open a window. probably if it gets too cold I will fall asleep easier because I will want to snuggle up in my blankets.
Ok, sleep attempt take 5
In My Own Little Corner, In My Own Little Mind
I often find myself thinking how little people know me even sometimes my closest friends. Then I wonder if I should really expect them to know certain things about me, like how there are certain things I do not like to talk about; not because I am ashamed of things, but more so because I do not like fuss. Sometimes when I buy something new like a braselet for example, I don't like to show it off right away, rather I like to keep it to myself while I enjoy the newness of it. Then I'll casually wear it somewhere.
Then I think to myself,does anyone ever notice this stuff about me and if so would anyone even care? Or is it even reasonable for me to expect that someone might notice? It's not exactly something you could ask a person either; "Hey do you ever notice how I act when I get new things,?" So I am at a dead end. On the one hand, it would make sense for my close friends at least to notice these little characteristics about me, but on the other hand the things they don't notice, is it because I don't share enough about myself?
I do try not to talk about myself too much largely because I don't want to feel conceited, but also because I am somewhat insecure and I don't think people care all that much. I suppose that is something like my facial expressions. Sometimes I wonder how much people can read what I am thinking or how I am feeling from my face, but I never get a clear answer whenever I work up enough nerve to actually ask someone. I figure for the most part that people don't pay any attention to my face because there are times I have forgotten my glasses and almost no one ever notices right away.
Although I did once have an aquaintence comment that he liked to watch the expressions on my face. He made this comment while I was listening to a new piece of music he had just mixed. Of course it confuses the issue whenever I remember that. I know there are other ocasions that people have looked at my face and said "you looked mad" or "you looked really excited" or "you smile a lot." Then there are the times when people have said things to indicate that my expression was unreadable.
And then there are those times when nearly everyone gets it wrong; those times when someone thought I looked really tired when I am just bored or pensive, or when someone thought I was looking at them expectantly when really I had spaced out and just happened to be looking in there direction. So it all boils down to can people actually read my facial expressions when I am not merely reacting to something, or do people even pay attention?
Alas, perhaps I am just not socialized enough. So when my friends do something that makes me think you should know better, I'll just have to think to myself that it's too bad no one really knows me. Then of course because I think entirely too much--yes that is possible--I start to thinkhow well do I really know my friends? Do I pay enough attention to notice the little things about them?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
So The Other Day: 3
So the other day I was out with roomy because she needed to get some things taken care of at the mall. I really think things close too early around here, and especially on sunday. If stores are going to do any kind of odd opening/closing on sundays, they should open some time in the afternoon so that people can go to church. In any case, I got this amazing, amazingly warm blanket. I don't think I will name this one, but we shall see. My new blanket is very soft and made of this material that is like a very soft stuffed animal. I can't remember at the moment what it is called, but I love it! It's dark blue and I will keep it forever!
2. hair brush
Have you ever been so upset that you wanted to break something? Sometimes but not often, when I am very upset I will throw things at walls. I know it is probably childish, but I never throw anything breakable and I never try to hurt anyone. Well, I have this handy cheap hair brush that I got as a replacement for the one my mother lost. Anyway the first time I tried combing my hair with it it broke apart, which says something about the quality of the hair brush but probably also says something about my hair. lol I was able to put it back together and keep using it, but then one day I got upset and I needed to chuck something. Well the brush is kind of broken for real this time so the other day I got a new one.
My new hairbrush is blue and lovely and substantial. The brissles are just right and its even got a cool grippy handle that I can kind of squeeze and mold. I really like it.
3. bug
So speaking of throwing things at walls, I ordered a squishy bug that splatters when you throw him against the wall. I have called him Smack and he is awesome! He doesn't really flatten out on the wall though, which is too bad but he is very sticky and could probably stay stuck to the wall for days. I probably shouldn't try throwing him on the cieling then huh?
And that was my weekend. Cheers!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Regarding Chocolate Cakes
... Ok, so this post actually has nothing to do with chocolate cakes. No, sadly I do not have some amazing, you must try this, recipe that I am going to shair with you. If you are hungry for chocolate cake however, I know there are many amazing food blogs out there. For those of you who are curious as to what on Earth I am talking about this time, stay right here.
Must you first act like a chocolate cake to be treated as such, or do you need to be treated like a chocolatee cake in order to feel like you can act like one? I'm sure all of you have heard such sayings as, "show respect and you'll be shown respect" and many other variations on the same theme, "act like X, and you'll be treated" or ... ECT. I have chosen to use chocolate cake because it is something we can all relate to.
What my question is, is which way around should some of these things go? Should you start acting like chocolate cake and expect soon after to be treated as one, or do you first need to feel like some one is treating you like a chocolate cake? Because quite frankly, there are some instances where if no one treats you like a chocolate cake and rather more like a chocolate chip cooky, then you are not going to really act like a chocolate cake. You are more apt to act like a cooky than you are a cake.
Of course then a person who is treated like a chocolate cake is not always garenteed to act like a chocolate cake; however there is lesss of a chance people will start treating a person like a chocolate cake just because they act like one.
I don't know, perhaps you have other oppinions? Or maybe they should just all work together, and it doesn't matter who starts it as long as both acting and treating happen?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Why Am I So Strange?
For example, I will be walking with a friend somewhere like in a store and I will get hit by some clothes rack that was sticking out too far. Then my friend will feel bad because I got hurt and he/she wasn't paying attention, and then I feel bad because they feel bad; like I should never have gotten hurt. It gets even worse depending on just how bad the friend feels and how much I judge it is not their falt.
One time one of my profs brought some treats in to class for her students to enjoy and I mistakenly ate one with nuts. I had to go to the nurse to get benadryl, but that's as far as I ever got. To this day she still brings up how she almost killed me. And even though it is kind of a joke, it is partly serious because we really want to make sure that does not happen again.
And of course, dying though I could have been, I still wanted to cry inside for eating the nuts and making my prof feel bad and dampening everyone's mood, as if I had done it on purpose. See how strange I am? I don't think that is normal!
Also I don't understand why I constantly see the need to point out when things are not normal about me, I know I am not normal and I should stop trying to prove it to myself. ha!
Ok, so there it is. To all of you reading this whom I have made feel bad by getting hurt or sick, I am sorry! I feel terrible! Please except my inner tears and let's keep being friends and move on.
I'm Coughing Again
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ocean Depths
Shimmering shards of broken beems, warm and clear.
Currents sway gently.
This way, now that way, perhaps playful like happy dolphins.
Cooler here.
Darker here.
Falling falling down down deep through depths.
Curling coiling rithing roiling reaching seaking dragging down down down.
Down darker, deeper, arms reaching up.
So very cold and still here, a bitter chill here.
To awake and find the salt drops still here.
Monday, February 21, 2011
They're home! They're Home They're H *Hack?*
Friday, February 18, 2011
But I Probably Should Get Over It
Monday, February 7, 2011
To The Most Important Meal Of The Day
So breakfast as a whole Is my favorite thing. Along with pizza, it is one of the two foods guarantied to make me happy happy smily! Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, waffles, I love them all! And yes, I should clarify that when I refer to breakfast here I specifically mean hot breakfast. Oddly I do not like breakfast sausage, hash browns or homefries, but I love all manner of combinations of the foods I did list.
I think--and I may have mentioned this before--that I really should have a designated breakfast for dinner night when I get my own place. Breakfast may be amazing in the morning, but it is even better during nonbreakfast meals!
Funny though, all this talk about yummy breakfast and in actuallity, I almost never eat it. Maybe that's why I love hot breakfast so much, because I don't eat it everyday. O well, here's to you breakfast! may you continue to fill our bellies with scrumptiousness!!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A Post To Willy
So recently I decided that I really should try reading more shakespeare. I'd really love to see more plays too, but Shakespeare in the park will help me out with that one. I was on a friend's blog earlier today and was inspired to make another page for the Shakespeare I will be reading over the next little while. I'm excited for this! So my page is up, go see it! And please excuse the lack of prettiness and spelling, I will be fixing those as I read and blog on. =D
And on a completely unrelated note, I really wish screen writers would stop using weather so much for affect. I mean I know it's effective, but It's snowing here and then we had sleet and a thunderstorm and I am pretty sure My stomach did an olympic not. But I am ok now ... It's just different.
TTFN! stay warm!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Can you believe I have never had Boston cream pie? Clam chowder I would be allergic to, but Boston cream pie I have no excuses for. So the guys and I got some to split after Build A Bear when We went in to Boston. Yes, we went to Build A Bear and Running Slippers made a bear and I think I should get to be his Godmother, but we didn't discuss it. We also had really awesome mac and cheese that I am excited to finish sometime today.
So ... I definitely didn't think you could get actual non cicelian rectangle pizza from an actual pizza place, but Saturday, at the mall, we had some for lunch. It was really good, but a lot of pizza for one piece and I couldn't finish mine. I can never seem to finish a whole meal whenever I go out to eat. I try to be good though and usually take it home and eat it sometime later.
Speaking of snow,I think we don't have anywhere else to put the stuff, we've gotten so much of it. Can we ship it off to another state? Also It's becoming a hazard and my leg just isn't handeling it well. Everytime we had to walk down a flight of stairs Sunday I thought my leg was gonna break or something. ouch. I wonder if this is a record ... hm, must look up random trivia about weather.
But as far as weekends go, this was another great one for the memory books. I hope I get to have many more before too long. Cheers and stay warm!
UPDATE: I am totally Seven's godmother!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Winter's Backlog?
Three days in a row my plans have been canseled, and all because of the same storm! But the good news is that I will finally get to try a recipe I've been wanting to make for some time now. Now I can only hope hope hope against snow that my weekend plans don't fall through.
I hope you are safe and warm this winter, and try not to go stir crazy! hehehe toodles!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Because I Smile When I Am Happy
Tonight and this morning I am thinking happy thoughts and lovely things so here are some lovely thoughts for you. I find that there is something truly awesome about holding another living being. It's one thing to see them walk, talk, moo, hiss, pur ect. but when you touch another living being, even as small as my tiny leopard gecko Joei, you can feel their life.
I love to hold cats or dogs or lizards and feel their tiny heart beats and the rhythm of their breathing; it's comforting somehow. And let's don't forget hugs.
Here, only real hugs count. While side hugs may be appropriate in some circumstances, they are not real hugs and do not make a connection. Perhaps that is part of why I am such a cuddlebug; I am comforted by that feeling of life.
So cheers to life and living! ... and the hugs ;)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Chipmunk Face
When I can feel again, I will mourn the loss of my wisdom teeth, but for now I am happy enough that I don't hurt as bad. --- side note, my too roomies are both on the phone having separate conversations and I think my head is going to explode! aaaaaahhh!
Ok, I just shut the door; I think i'm good now. Yeah ... pretty much now I'm just rambling, but I've gotten past the important part. =D
TTFN sorry for the super lame post
Monday, January 10, 2011
Crashing Back To Earth
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Happy Happy New Year Baby
So first two of my friends got married and it was beautiful and midieval and so totally what I would've expected from the bride. There was a kniting ceremony and the sword was real! And at the reception there was an ice sculpture of a castle. I've always been fascinated by ice sculpture. And of course there was lots and lots of dancing!
A bunch of us got in a random dance cluster and all danced together. Mostly I danced with Running Slippers, but we changed partners too. I had so much fun and the whole thing definitely put me in a "awh I wanna get married" mood, but only for about 15 minutes lol. I wish the both of them great happiness!
On friday there was a new years party and I brought along Eddie and played for everyone. I was supposed to go to another friend's house for New Years day, but my ride ended up not going so Saturday I stayed at home and did nothing. ... And now we're here.
Is today Tuesday already? I am very excited about the writing retreat this coming weekend! But first I will have to get through tomorrow. I'm not sure what it's about
****** scratch that. Due to a somewhat longish conversation I no longer have any obligations tomorrow. W00T!
Retreat here I come! In about three days. =D