Friday, February 18, 2011

But I Probably Should Get Over It

So I am excited and nervous andterrified and cold all at the same time! Whoa, yeah. I am excited because Roomy made banana bread and I have not had this in a very lonnnnnnnnggg time. Not that people don't often make banana bread; in fact, people make it all the time but I can never have any because they always see the need to put nuts in it. I am allergic to nuts, but only the real kind; treenuts they're called. If you don't understand that, what I mean is that peanuts are actually not nuts. They're Legumes and more related to beans. That's what they tell me anyway. But either way I am not allergic to them and that makes me happy because peanut allergies kind of scare me. I'm not really sure yet why I am nervous; maybe I'm putting the wrong name to it. Terrified. I am terrified because I do not like to be alone with so much quiet. Sometimes I will just sit on my bed trying to listen as hard as I can for any unusual sounds so that I can sprint out the window or something. I'm not really sure where I'd go though--that is if I didn't break my leg first. This is why I need a big tough dog to be a better pare of eyes and ears and alert me to any possible danger, in addition to my padlocks and awesome alarm sistem when I live on my own. I especially hate having to run water because I can't hear over it so I tend to try to run it as low as I possibly can. I wish I had friends I could call or ask to stay over when this happens, but I'm always afraid people are busy and I don't want to bother them because I am a wimp and can't stay in my own house alone for long periods of time. I think probably I'd get a shepherd, or maybe a mastiff; something big so I can hide behind him and have him attack strangers. The big cat was just sitting on my bed with me--he's the male. He seems to be very sensitive to emotions and probably can tell that I am a bit freaked out. But I've got the whole weekend to myself and I intend to make the best of it! I'll probably get more freaked out though as the night grows old. No matter how many times this happens I still can't quite get over the feeling, and putting on loud happy music doesn't really help either because again, I can't hear. Well, it's winter here so I'd say it's fairly obvious why I'm cold. Toodles! wish me safety.

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