thoughts of a whimsical artist
Sunday, December 26, 2010
And The Blizzard Comes
haha funny story. So I updated my status friday with something about it snowing ... uuummm, well there's a blizzard now and Running Slippers is totally blaming me! lol It is pretty hilarious, but I do hope that anyone traveling is ok. I am actually freakishly excited about all the snow even though I still have no one to play in it with. Running Slippers and I totally said we would hang out if it ever snowed this bad, but I'm a bit of a long walk away from him so he won't come get me. This is where he really needs to get his license! I maybe can excuse it because of the weather, but he wouldn't anyway. Only that one time before he knew how far away it was. =P Ok, I really need some coco and a good book/movie. Right now My roomy is finishing a really hard puzzle and we're hoping the power stays on at least until she finishes, but it has gone down twice already so we'll see. Snuggle time!!! I hope your Christmas was merry and all that you wanted! Be safe and happy!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
So Running Slippers did call me, but he had another call come in so we've been playing phone tag ever since. sad banana.
I feel strangely like a lot happened today, though I'm almost sure nothing happened at all. Well, stuff happened, but nothing out of the ordinary. I woke up, i ate, i played on the internet and I talked to some people. I haven't been outside once today. ... weird. and now I'm hungry. Time to eat some things!
Happy Winter Solstice!!!
I feel strangely like a lot happened today, though I'm almost sure nothing happened at all. Well, stuff happened, but nothing out of the ordinary. I woke up, i ate, i played on the internet and I talked to some people. I haven't been outside once today. ... weird. and now I'm hungry. Time to eat some things!
Happy Winter Solstice!!!
Tagged Under
random life
Monday, December 20, 2010
It Snowed! It Snowed! It Snowed Last Night!
Ok really more like sometime this afternoon, but it snowed!!!
And can i just say how much I love the Natural justice here? Last Sunday when it was supposed to snow we got rain because it was too warm, and now when it was supposed to rain for three days, it snowed! So I am very happy and excited if you couldn't tell and All I want right now is a fireplace and a cumfy blanket with a good book. And of course when the snow gets nice and thick and fluffy, to go out and play in it! O snow how I love you!!!
Winter officially starts tomorrow! Running Slippers and I had big plans for it, but We'll just have to call each other and make plans for next year. O yeah and apparently there's a lunar eclipse. Exciting day!
Time to go facebooking now and write some more of my story. Just had to make sure i blogged the first snowfall! yay!
Baby, it's cold outside! but I love it because I've got my love to keep me warm!
And can i just say how much I love the Natural justice here? Last Sunday when it was supposed to snow we got rain because it was too warm, and now when it was supposed to rain for three days, it snowed! So I am very happy and excited if you couldn't tell and All I want right now is a fireplace and a cumfy blanket with a good book. And of course when the snow gets nice and thick and fluffy, to go out and play in it! O snow how I love you!!!
Winter officially starts tomorrow! Running Slippers and I had big plans for it, but We'll just have to call each other and make plans for next year. O yeah and apparently there's a lunar eclipse. Exciting day!
Time to go facebooking now and write some more of my story. Just had to make sure i blogged the first snowfall! yay!
Baby, it's cold outside! but I love it because I've got my love to keep me warm!
While The Ipod Charges
Sittin here ... waitin ... my ipod is taking forever to charge! Tonight I watched a funny youtube video my friend sent me and I laughed so hard it started up my cough. Then My roomies got concerned, but I was ok for the most part. Hee, then things got a bit silly and there was much laughter and joking. Yes, my mom finally came on Saturday, and she brought me chocolate oranges! Who's a happy happy smily girl now? =D She used to put them in my stocking at Christmas time. I don't often find them, but holidays remind me of their wonderfulness. I want a chocolate orange tree! And while I am on the topic of things chocolate, I now have a craving for chocolate strawberries! Thanks to a comment by my Love Muffin. Thanks for that you. Um, These cats are crazy? ... Or at least the male is ... he's running around playing with air currents or something. I kinda wonder if there's some imaginary monster he's running from because of whatever happened to him before he came to live here, or if he sees ghosts. Whatever it is, he does it a lot! Well, it's getting late and I must away to my sleep simulation pod; plus my ipod is done charging. =D TTFN!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
... Or Not
So I thought I'd put some proper pants on--I was in my jammy shorts before--for when my mother came, but she isn't here yet. She's bringing me food so I thought I might have to carry a few things in. It's a good thing she isn't buying any ice cream --- I was on the phone with her about when she was finishing up and that was hours ago. O well, I am good at waiting.
So still no snow thus far and it's almost Christmas! ... At least here there isn't any snow, but I hear there's some almost everywhere else. I did start writing that story, but haven't finished it yet. I wonder if finishing will help?
As for finished stories though, I did manage to write one whole one and I've sent it off to a friend to see what he thinks of it. It's a bit twisted and I think I may have officially freaked myself out writing it. O well, I'll wait and see what my friend thinks.
Still no mother ... or food.
Happy Saturday!
So still no snow thus far and it's almost Christmas! ... At least here there isn't any snow, but I hear there's some almost everywhere else. I did start writing that story, but haven't finished it yet. I wonder if finishing will help?
As for finished stories though, I did manage to write one whole one and I've sent it off to a friend to see what he thinks of it. It's a bit twisted and I think I may have officially freaked myself out writing it. O well, I'll wait and see what my friend thinks.
Still no mother ... or food.
Happy Saturday!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Bad For The Writing
I think that case of senior itus has been very bad for my creative writing. O I've written some small bits of poetic verse here and there, But I've bearly written so much as a 55 since the summer, and that's just not like me.
True I've got some writing obligations I need to get filled right quick, but I think I may try some creative writing to help me out. First order of business, a litterary snow dance! Yes that's write, I want snow and outside cold and icicles! I love that yumm yumm winter!
I may start off with something short to excersize my writing muscles first. Also I need to get better at sustaining longer plot lines. Speaking of short fiction, go check out my pal
Polar McCoy
over at his writing blog. I promise you will be delighted!
So here's to the return of story and the bringing of snow ... cheers!
True I've got some writing obligations I need to get filled right quick, but I think I may try some creative writing to help me out. First order of business, a litterary snow dance! Yes that's write, I want snow and outside cold and icicles! I love that yumm yumm winter!
I may start off with something short to excersize my writing muscles first. Also I need to get better at sustaining longer plot lines. Speaking of short fiction, go check out my pal
Polar McCoy
over at his writing blog. I promise you will be delighted!
So here's to the return of story and the bringing of snow ... cheers!
Tagged Under
55 fiction
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Gloomy Sunday
So, the party was fun, the food was good, and as always we managed to find yet another bad Christmas movie. This year it was Santa's Slay--yes with that exact spelling. Yeah ... just bad stuff, but funny for the same reason.
I brought along my Eddie instead of food and got to entertain some toward the end. heehee, that was fun. Honestly nothing spectacular happened, but I think we all had a good time. And we got back supper late like always, and my roomies were both asleep.
Today is a day for yawning and snuggling on the couch. When I woke up this morning to get ready for church, I swear it was darker today than last week. I heard we were supposed to have snow--yay excitement--but it got too warm and we have rain instead. Ah well, I know the snow will b here soon enough. I just hope it's before Christmas.
Enjoy the wind and rain! or whatever it's doing in your part of the world =D
I brought along my Eddie instead of food and got to entertain some toward the end. heehee, that was fun. Honestly nothing spectacular happened, but I think we all had a good time. And we got back supper late like always, and my roomies were both asleep.
Today is a day for yawning and snuggling on the couch. When I woke up this morning to get ready for church, I swear it was darker today than last week. I heard we were supposed to have snow--yay excitement--but it got too warm and we have rain instead. Ah well, I know the snow will b here soon enough. I just hope it's before Christmas.
Enjoy the wind and rain! or whatever it's doing in your part of the world =D
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Party Time!
Tonight tonight I get to go out to partay! Ok, well actually I get to see some friends I haven't seen in awhile and hang out and eat food. However, this is definitely cause for excitement! Otherwise today has mostly been a Lazy semiproductive day. I actually have been curled up on the couch all day and I really need to go shower. Lol, yes this post here is just another excuse to stay put ... go ahead, tell me to get up and make with the squeaking! haha
Ok, you've convinced me. More happy news about the party when I come home again.
Ok, you've convinced me. More happy news about the party when I come home again.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Were Had By All
Hello there =D I have had a lovely weekend whose high I am still coming down from. Shall I tell you about it? So I did make it to the concert by the way, and surprised everyone. It was so much fun! I really should enjoy more live music. My school's Symphonic winds and Jazz Band is pretty sweet and I love to go hear them play. Every year I think to myself that they really ought to have CDs. So yeah that was exciting to go hear them and to surprise my friends who played. I <3 you guys! We got a Christmas tree on saturday and it was exciting because neither of my roomies had ever had a real tree before. So of course as someone who had had at least 2 or 3 I had to give the tree the old freshness taste test. Very fresh and piny if you are interested. Decorating was fun too and we took pictures with the bird up on the tree. Then Sunday was church, Messiah and Christmas party--the first of two for me actually. It was all fun and I stayed over with one of my profs, but I think my favorite part was Monday night when my three friends and I hung out together and fought crime! Lols yes, we all really are that amazing. I think I want to find some games for my machine soon. I think that's what I will get myself for Christmas. Pleasant dreams. ;)
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random life
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Woo What A Day
I have been having an interesting few days of late; just a whole bunch of different circumstances and feelings. I think I want to override them all. I think I just need a new project. I'm pretty sure I've said that before, but it's true. That will at least keep my hands busy.
So this friday my school is having a symphonic winds and jazz concert and I am excited because I think I might be able to go! I don't know when it ends though. And and and ... I am excited for the Christmas party! Hopefully it actually happens though.
Ok, yay for good things and good moods. Let's note this and save the feelings and maybe the others will go away. =D
So this friday my school is having a symphonic winds and jazz concert and I am excited because I think I might be able to go! I don't know when it ends though. And and and ... I am excited for the Christmas party! Hopefully it actually happens though.
Ok, yay for good things and good moods. Let's note this and save the feelings and maybe the others will go away. =D
Friday, November 26, 2010
Becoming Scrooge
I am seriously considering putting myself up for adoption for the holidays! I'm small, no one will notice I'm over 18 right? ha! not likely. So I think I have mentioned before that along with all the holiday joy and funness winter also makes me very sad. Well, this seems to be a bit of something else, but it doesn't help.
I think my mom got an invite to some friends for Christmas dinner. I absolutely completely unrepentently do not want to go! Not by any means! I am really starting to not look forward to the holidays. Truth be told we haven't actually had any kind of Christmas anything in some time which I was already not happy about.
O I know christmas isn't about the tree or santa and the presents, but that isn't even what I miss. I haven't really wanted anything for the last several Christmases anyhow. I'd really like to have Christmas at all. And If I'm gonna do that, I don't want to do it with anyone but my own family. I refuse to have anyone else's Christmas again!
Yes We have done it before and it just wasn't right. So here's to holidays with family and less complaining about my life.
I think my mom got an invite to some friends for Christmas dinner. I absolutely completely unrepentently do not want to go! Not by any means! I am really starting to not look forward to the holidays. Truth be told we haven't actually had any kind of Christmas anything in some time which I was already not happy about.
O I know christmas isn't about the tree or santa and the presents, but that isn't even what I miss. I haven't really wanted anything for the last several Christmases anyhow. I'd really like to have Christmas at all. And If I'm gonna do that, I don't want to do it with anyone but my own family. I refuse to have anyone else's Christmas again!
Yes We have done it before and it just wasn't right. So here's to holidays with family and less complaining about my life.
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Place To Be
So the cats have apparently decided that my bed is the place to be so i suppose i am in a kind of war for it with them. I guess as long as I'm not sick or inclined to stay in bed all day we could work out an arangement hee.
Right now I am just chillin' on the couch listening to the bird chat away. I think i definitely have to live somewhere where it snows. I'm not personally considering leaving my home state now, but should I end up moving in future, I'd like it to be somewhere that has all four seasons. *sigh* i so love Winter.
Right now I am just chillin' on the couch listening to the bird chat away. I think i definitely have to live somewhere where it snows. I'm not personally considering leaving my home state now, but should I end up moving in future, I'd like it to be somewhere that has all four seasons. *sigh* i so love Winter.
Tagged Under
random life
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Undone By The Wonder Land
Ever growing blackness barely fading at it's ends.
Blackness like an endless tunnel of velvet.
A mournful wind lures me from my warm cocoon.
Everything is clearer here,
Sharper here,
Colder here.
Moonlight glows on the fallen snow.
Feathery snowflakes brush cheeks.
Burn as they melt on the tip of a tongue.
The howling wind rises,
Whistles through leafless fingers of branches.
Tears stand in the eyes.
Icicles gleam,
Frozen in their dissent.
The wind caresses,
Some Fall, the sound like tiny bells.
The glistening pieces Pearce my soul like a million shimmering shards of glass.
When it is morning, the sun will Pearce the velvet black with its bright rays.
And the snow will blind the world with its purity.
Domestic Fun
I am rooming with two friends from college! So far it has been wonderful, but it's only for a little bit. I wish i could be here longer. They've got two cats and a bird. I really can't wait for the snow!! I really don't know that I can express to you my feelings about this season. Not that i do anything ritualistic or anything like that; I just enjoy it. and an made terribly terribly sad by it. More later. =D
Tagged Under
random life
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Happy Sad
It is november and i am starting to get chills.Not the kind that you might expect because of the cold weather, but the kind you get when you are anticipating something exciting. Yes, thanksgiving is coming up fairly soon and Christmas too, but these are not the source of my excitement. I am excited for winter. =D As far as I'm concerned it's pretty much already winter here. We have entered that seemingly endless black tunnel and the air is getting too nippy for autumn, and we're sure to get snow soon. I love winter; the crunch and sparkle of new snow, the decoration of icicles, pine trees and peppermint, and hot coco by a roaring fire. I love just about everything but the cold itself. And despite all this, winter always manages to make me sad. Yes, that little blossum of excitement that awakens from deep inside and brings so many happy memories, feelings and traditions, is laced with sadness. I have no clear explanation for this, but it seems to have been so for quite some time now. something about a cold clear winter morning or the moonlit snow beneath the black cloked sky causes me to thrill and drink in their beauty, but also to want to weep. But o, I love winter so. Even just the word excites me and floods me with memories. I think I may try to write something on the subject.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Dream House
So it has come to my attention that there are several things I find myself thinking about that I would like to have in my house. When I get a house that is. Just odd little things here and there that I think oo wouldn't it be cool to have that, or if I can make it happen, I definitely want this in my house.
I'm thinking I will make a page of all the stuff I have clamed to want for my "dream house." I wouldn't necessarily want all of these in the same house, but it would be fun to look back later and compare how many of these things I actually have. Or maybe my husband--future of course--will look at the list one day and say, "you wanted one of those?"
Wow, I nearly sounded like a little romantic there haha :P
Ok, let's see what makes the list. I think this has been on my mind so much lately because I have been iching for my own little corner of the world and the idea of being able to control what goes into my own space is exciting! Some of this stuff might also apply to apartments, though not all of it.
I'm thinking I will make a page of all the stuff I have clamed to want for my "dream house." I wouldn't necessarily want all of these in the same house, but it would be fun to look back later and compare how many of these things I actually have. Or maybe my husband--future of course--will look at the list one day and say, "you wanted one of those?"
Wow, I nearly sounded like a little romantic there haha :P
Ok, let's see what makes the list. I think this has been on my mind so much lately because I have been iching for my own little corner of the world and the idea of being able to control what goes into my own space is exciting! Some of this stuff might also apply to apartments, though not all of it.
Tagged Under
blog stuff
random life
Reguarding The Cat
Did I tell you about my professor's cat? I guess I probably havent, but it's kind of funny. So she has three hamsters, one guinae pig (i always forget how that is spelled) and one hairless rat--who is a sweetheart and don't you dare mock him--. And then she got a cat to get rid of mice. lols I love my profs
From what I hear the cat--i will call him sandman--does quite well with the others. They have to be careful of course when the rodents have play time. Anyway though, the cat. I really love him; he is like the best thing eve!
Not this past weekend, but the one before I visited my old campus grounds to play a game of bigger-better (more about that later perhaps) and also to be there for the anual halloween reading. So I crashed on my prof's couch bed over the weekend. I got to spend all kinds of quality time with the little sandman.
Now, I love animals anyway and especially cats and dogs so I was excited to get to know the cat better. I think he really enjoyed my company. He came when I called him and he kept coming to curl against me while he groomed himself.
I got to see him again this Saturday while i was hanging out with some friends. Really, he is just an awesome cat. And he is black and white which is one of my favorite cat colors. =D
From what I hear the cat--i will call him sandman--does quite well with the others. They have to be careful of course when the rodents have play time. Anyway though, the cat. I really love him; he is like the best thing eve!
Not this past weekend, but the one before I visited my old campus grounds to play a game of bigger-better (more about that later perhaps) and also to be there for the anual halloween reading. So I crashed on my prof's couch bed over the weekend. I got to spend all kinds of quality time with the little sandman.
Now, I love animals anyway and especially cats and dogs so I was excited to get to know the cat better. I think he really enjoyed my company. He came when I called him and he kept coming to curl against me while he groomed himself.
I got to see him again this Saturday while i was hanging out with some friends. Really, he is just an awesome cat. And he is black and white which is one of my favorite cat colors. =D
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Life Goal
My deepest wish and life goal is to be completely indipendent so that I won't ever be a berdon to anyone again, and no one can ever resent me for it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
So I kind of went a little blog crazy this past weekend. Mostly I got excited about my dragon, then I just decided I wanted to learn a thing or two about html code. My little brother (the genius boy) knows a bunch of stuff and he taught me how to make a whole page different colors. Hehehe, you'll excuse me if one day I've got posts of differing colors.
There are still lots of things I didn't learn, and some things which are eluding me at the moment, but so far I've learned enough tricks to be happy with.
My next endeavor, Zcode!
There are still lots of things I didn't learn, and some things which are eluding me at the moment, but so far I've learned enough tricks to be happy with.
My next endeavor, Zcode!
Tagged Under
blog stuff
my brother
Monday, October 25, 2010
Yes Yummies
Yummies, yes yummies. I've decided to relabel any and all of my food related posts yummies. Admit it, It's a great word ... you know you love it!Except maybe I'll keep pizza as its own label. Have you noticed that I only have one post labeled with pizza? I know; pizza is the happy food of my soul so what gives right?
And now for some fun; food related adjectives that tickle me inside.
mmmm Is that not the most delicious list of words you have ever read? I love words that sound like there meaning!
Hope this little post tickles your soul as it does mine. =D
And now for some fun; food related adjectives that tickle me inside.
- yummy :)
- gooie
- sweet
- chocolaty
- frosted
- candied
- marinated
- glazed
- honeyed
- smoked
- grilled
- caramelized
- fudgy
- sugar-coated :9
- powdered -- usually cheese and sugar, nothing else
- chunky
- crumbly
- cream-filled
- flaky
- buttery
- suckulant
mmmm Is that not the most delicious list of words you have ever read? I love words that sound like there meaning!
Hope this little post tickles your soul as it does mine. =D
Tagged Under
my love of words
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Some Closure
Well here he is again, wings and all. I hope you weren't worried that he didn't have a face the last time; I like to wait til the end so it doesn't get destroied while I'm doing other stuff.
His wings and horns all came from the excess clay I got out of his tail. I know his horns aren't very impressive, but We'll say he's a baby dragon. =D
I'm not sure what color he should be once I get him baked, I only know I don't want him green.
Well now I think I'm off to do some blog organizing. That should give me hours of entertainment--or at least hours of something to do. XD
Tagged Under
Posts with pics
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Dragon With The Tail
So today I am making a dragon. Ha! yes, after posting on facebook for suggestions as what to make; I went ahead and made a dragon anyway. The suggestions if you're interested, were cat, penguin, whale and giraffe, all of which I actually made just last week for the street fair. =D
I intended to make the dragon kind of small, and the ball I used should have done the tric. I guess he was a little too big though, because I have been gradually shrinking down his body by carefully squeezing it out in to his tail. Now he has a really long tail, but I'm not sure I'm done shrinking yet. I am going to take off his tail after I'm done with it and I might even have enough to give him a nice pair of wings.
Here he is after I've shrunken him some.

Check out that mongo tail of his. It's heavier than he is, and keeps pulling him down.

Here's one of his claws.

I am still working on making them sharper even though they will just get flat when i bake him.
I thought It'd be a good idea to wear the glove so there was a better contrast. I'll try to post a few more picks after he's done and has wings. =D TTFN!
I intended to make the dragon kind of small, and the ball I used should have done the tric. I guess he was a little too big though, because I have been gradually shrinking down his body by carefully squeezing it out in to his tail. Now he has a really long tail, but I'm not sure I'm done shrinking yet. I am going to take off his tail after I'm done with it and I might even have enough to give him a nice pair of wings.
Here he is after I've shrunken him some.
Check out that mongo tail of his. It's heavier than he is, and keeps pulling him down.
Here's one of his claws.
I am still working on making them sharper even though they will just get flat when i bake him.
I thought It'd be a good idea to wear the glove so there was a better contrast. I'll try to post a few more picks after he's done and has wings. =D TTFN!
Tagged Under
Posts with pics
Monday, October 18, 2010
Rootbeer Tastes Like Candy
Wow! So it has been more than a month since I have last posted anything. I know you all are wondering what is going on in my life, but actually there is almost nothing at all going on with me. I am no longer at school and I've had no luck yet finding my own little place. I am still searching though and I can't wait until it is my turn to leave the nest--for real this time. I have actually been doing a lot of reading, but sadly no writing because the charger to the machine i write with is missing. And saddest of all up until the end of last week I had done absolutely no crafting! ;( I do have some clay at my disposal now so that should last me for awhile. Well, I did say almost nothing. Yes, alas I have a few friends that I have hung out with over the past month and a half,and I am so very glad to have them. Last saturday was my school's anual street fair that they hold during homecoming weekend. I stayed over with a friend and got to see some people whom I hadn't seen since last May. It ended all too soon and I miss them, but I know I wil see at least some of them again sometime soon =D And essentially, that's what I've been up to. Sorry for the long time away, but it isn't much fun to report on nothing teehee. ttfn, I may yet have more to report later :0)
Tagged Under
school things
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Fractured rainbows
When the world explodes,it is in silence with yawning colors. First reds and yellows like bright flames, then greens and blues and purples like swirling mists. Explosions, colisions, blending and bleeding. Bleeding, boiling, dripping, raining. Raining raining color. Sharpening crimsons and emeralds breaking, separating prisms. Prisms like fractured rainbows; all the colored light.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
With His Teeth Dear
The smile, the smiles.
Too far, too close.
Time again to hide; to pull everything in.
Lest the blade's wind get too close.
Time to pull everything around me close and hold tight.
And yet there is still the smile.
Too far, too close.
Time again to hide; to pull everything in.
Lest the blade's wind get too close.
Time to pull everything around me close and hold tight.
And yet there is still the smile.
Tagged Under
Monday, August 9, 2010
To The Singing Of The Crickets
Has it been that long really? Hmm, well I suppose it has. Well, I'll try to post more often, though I can only post so much when there is nothing going on.
So, right here right now I am listening to the sound of the cricket chorus, and contemplating my life. It would seem that I am getting ready to move from the place that has for the most part been my home for the past four years. Of course I knew it was coming, but I was hoping to have a better exit plan than I seem to just now.I dislike uncertainty because to me it is one form of not having control. As a psych major I am compelled to point that Freud had some things to say about control, but then he had something to say about most things.In any case, I do like to be in total control where I am concerned.
Yes I can be terribly indecisive about things and for most things I am very adaptable and go with the flow,but there are some aspects I prefer to keep a tight rein on. This Is probably the number one reason I've never experimented with drugs.
So of course not havinga definite plan is making me anxious. We shall see. I may yet have no cause to worry
So, right here right now I am listening to the sound of the cricket chorus, and contemplating my life. It would seem that I am getting ready to move from the place that has for the most part been my home for the past four years. Of course I knew it was coming, but I was hoping to have a better exit plan than I seem to just now.I dislike uncertainty because to me it is one form of not having control. As a psych major I am compelled to point that Freud had some things to say about control, but then he had something to say about most things.In any case, I do like to be in total control where I am concerned.
Yes I can be terribly indecisive about things and for most things I am very adaptable and go with the flow,but there are some aspects I prefer to keep a tight rein on. This Is probably the number one reason I've never experimented with drugs.
So of course not havinga definite plan is making me anxious. We shall see. I may yet have no cause to worry
Tagged Under
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Have Much Coco and Happiness
So I decided that I wanted hot chocolate tonight. It is cool enough not to be unbarable and with my fan on it is even a bit chilly.
Yesterday I went to see shakespeare on the common with some friends, good times were had by all. They did Othello which I had read before, but never seen. This now makes four Shakespeare plays that I have seen, two of which I had previously read before and six I have read alltogether. I really think I should make a habbit of going to more Shakespeare since his plays were never really meant to be read--except maybe by the actors. Also it's free so how can you lose?
I think I want to find a movie to watch now. Off to enjoy my coco, enjoy your evening!
Yesterday I went to see shakespeare on the common with some friends, good times were had by all. They did Othello which I had read before, but never seen. This now makes four Shakespeare plays that I have seen, two of which I had previously read before and six I have read alltogether. I really think I should make a habbit of going to more Shakespeare since his plays were never really meant to be read--except maybe by the actors. Also it's free so how can you lose?
I think I want to find a movie to watch now. Off to enjoy my coco, enjoy your evening!
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tales from the cup
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Boiling Ideas
O my gosh I know what I want to make next. Well actually I've got a nice piece of black fur that I'm trying to decide whether to make a cat or a scunk with. I am leaning toward scunk since I've made cats before and already have a black one. All this however, is beside the point. I've got a new idea and it just now hit me. Because it's so hot and I don't have AC I've been keeping my windows open and can hear all the crickets. Then it hit me, I want to make a stuffed cricket! I've never made a stuffed bug before and it could be fun to try. The best part would be if I could get it to chirp. I do have cricket sound effects on my computer, but short of recording it--which would probably make for horrible sound quality--I wouldn't know how to get it on to a button. Well, I can worry about all that later, as I am not even sure I have all the right matterials yet. Other than that, there hasn't been much to report of late. have a nice night, and listen to the crickets when you go outside!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sleep Sleep And More Sleep
I've mentioned before how much my sleep schedule has been thrown off this summer. It's strange because I can't seem to right myself. I could not sleep at all one night, be up all day doing some sort of activity then get back to my room and sleepfor a little bit, then still be tired the next day. So then of course the cycle never get's righted.
*sigh* So I am of course up trying to find things to do while the rest of the world is sleeping. I tried watching old movies, but I couldn't find very many online and I can't watch DVDs. During the day however, I have no problem at all sleeping. In fact, sometimes I feel like an olympic sleeper. lol Not sure I could get a metal for it though. But even then my sleep is broken up in to segments and I can't sleep for more than two hours with out waking up, however briefly, in between.
I really must find something to keep me awake during the day, or else find something other than reading to pass the time at night. O when will it end, when will it end?
***In other news, designer cats are quite fascinating. And I'm really not sure how I feel about this Anne Baker lady who seems to have had a hand in some of them.
*sigh* So I am of course up trying to find things to do while the rest of the world is sleeping. I tried watching old movies, but I couldn't find very many online and I can't watch DVDs. During the day however, I have no problem at all sleeping. In fact, sometimes I feel like an olympic sleeper. lol Not sure I could get a metal for it though. But even then my sleep is broken up in to segments and I can't sleep for more than two hours with out waking up, however briefly, in between.
I really must find something to keep me awake during the day, or else find something other than reading to pass the time at night. O when will it end, when will it end?
***In other news, designer cats are quite fascinating. And I'm really not sure how I feel about this Anne Baker lady who seems to have had a hand in some of them.
Tagged Under
Monday, July 26, 2010
Things I Love That Begin With W
waltzes, wandering, water, weather, whale song, whipped cream, whiskers, wind, windows, wings, winter, wishing, wondering, wood smoke, woods, words, wrapping paper, writing.
Tagged Under
my love of words
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Shiny New Whistle
I am now the proud new owner of a beautiful tin whistle! It came Friday and I am so excited. I haven't named him yet because I am trying to find just the right one. He came in a little package, but there was no kind of case or anything so I made my own. Nothing too special, just a little drawstring sleeve deal. It could use maybe a quarter inch more length though ... oops.
He has a very lovely sound, but I haven't played him very much because I am afraid to disturb the neighbors. :D Maybe I'll post a recording on here or something.
Alright now back to trying to fall asleep, tootles!
He has a very lovely sound, but I haven't played him very much because I am afraid to disturb the neighbors. :D Maybe I'll post a recording on here or something.
Alright now back to trying to fall asleep, tootles!
Tagged Under
random life
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Surf's Up!
O man July has come, in a blaze of glory ... or heat. Can you say heat wave? Man it is hot hot hot around here. I really hope it cools down soon because I have not been able to eat a thing. At least work has AC which is funny. Normally I freeze with the a.c. on. Last week I even ran back to my room to get my blanket lols. And of course now, on the day when I would've love to bask in the a.c. I felt too horrible to go in this morning. Ugh, yeah, this is why I live in New England because the weather doesn't get this hot lol. So much for that haha.
I think i am going to plug myself in for the night and maybe get in an hour or two of sleep. what I wouldn't give for an italian ice right now.
I think i am going to plug myself in for the night and maybe get in an hour or two of sleep. what I wouldn't give for an italian ice right now.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Cup and I
This morning's giant coffee mug features ... chocolate milk. Yup, I am drinking chocolate milk at three in the morning and it's about 70 something degrees outside.It's almost exactly like cold coco, which is nice. Probably though I should be drinking tea or something since I have been feeling like I've got an elephant standing on me, yikes.
Yes, sadly I have been feeling quite sickly for most of the day *whimper whimper* but I think the chocolate milk may help. You know, maybe next time I should try heating it and see what happens. Mmm that could be kinda good.
Well, I can't say this was my most exciting fourth since mostly I've been sleeping or reading, but at least I heard fireworks. Actually along with feeling sickish I've been a bit listless. I finally had to go outside because I was starting to annoy myself, lol! So I didn't turn on my radio to hear my beloved Pops, but there's always next year.
O, speaking of elephants, In the book I'm currently reading ***which by the way is an audio book being read by the amazing Dick Hill, one of my all time faves***one of the characters was in the hospital with some kind of machine that was putting pressure on his ***ehem, which I didn't entirely understand since he was there because of his heart attack but what do I know. So this machine apparently was pressing with the kind of force "nature uses to turn carbon in to diamonds." Yeeeeee! Can you say ouch? Poor guy. Otherwise I am liking the book so far though.
Well, I think either the cold chocolate or the fact that I am going to the beach tomorrow has improved my mood. I am off then. Sadly not to sleep because remember I don't do that at night anymore, but I'll find something to do. :0)
Happy dreaming!
Yes, sadly I have been feeling quite sickly for most of the day *whimper whimper* but I think the chocolate milk may help. You know, maybe next time I should try heating it and see what happens. Mmm that could be kinda good.
Well, I can't say this was my most exciting fourth since mostly I've been sleeping or reading, but at least I heard fireworks. Actually along with feeling sickish I've been a bit listless. I finally had to go outside because I was starting to annoy myself, lol! So I didn't turn on my radio to hear my beloved Pops, but there's always next year.
O, speaking of elephants, In the book I'm currently reading ***which by the way is an audio book being read by the amazing Dick Hill, one of my all time faves***one of the characters was in the hospital with some kind of machine that was putting pressure on his ***ehem, which I didn't entirely understand since he was there because of his heart attack but what do I know. So this machine apparently was pressing with the kind of force "nature uses to turn carbon in to diamonds." Yeeeeee! Can you say ouch? Poor guy. Otherwise I am liking the book so far though.
Well, I think either the cold chocolate or the fact that I am going to the beach tomorrow has improved my mood. I am off then. Sadly not to sleep because remember I don't do that at night anymore, but I'll find something to do. :0)
Happy dreaming!
Tagged Under
tales from the cup
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Ear-lye in The Mornin
I am painting my toenails again. I had them painted before (green) but I have been awake since 2:30 and I've got one of my monster head aches again. It feels like my skull is being crushed. I'm not sure why I get such bad head aches, but I've had them for quite some time and once again, say it with me ... pills don't help lol.
I wonder if we'll get rain. A lot of the time my head aches seem to be weather related. I had one once that was so bad that I couldn't move for the pain.(that's not an experience I'm gonna wanna repete anytime soon)
So I lay curled up on my bed for seven hours, and then it rained for three days straight. Now I've been accused of causing undesirable weather before, but seriously? I felt like I had birthed a monsoon! haha!
It is amazing how much you can hear this early in the morning. I can hear the trains all the way from the station. I usually can, but this time I can even hear all the whistly sounds the train makes when it's stopping.(cathunk cathunk cathunk).
Now I hear the trucks backing up. I wonder what kind they are. I know sometimes they're the garbage trucks, but I can't always tell. And of course I hear the birds. I am trying to learn birds by their calls, but so far I don't hear anything I recognize. Actually though, my knowledge so far is rather limited. I've got croes, mourning doves, pigeons and hawks. O yes and peacocks which are really very annoying, but we don't really have those around here.
I am sure glad it's Saturday.
I think my townails shall be green again,
have a lovely day!
I wonder if we'll get rain. A lot of the time my head aches seem to be weather related. I had one once that was so bad that I couldn't move for the pain.(that's not an experience I'm gonna wanna repete anytime soon)
So I lay curled up on my bed for seven hours, and then it rained for three days straight. Now I've been accused of causing undesirable weather before, but seriously? I felt like I had birthed a monsoon! haha!
It is amazing how much you can hear this early in the morning. I can hear the trains all the way from the station. I usually can, but this time I can even hear all the whistly sounds the train makes when it's stopping.(cathunk cathunk cathunk).
Now I hear the trucks backing up. I wonder what kind they are. I know sometimes they're the garbage trucks, but I can't always tell. And of course I hear the birds. I am trying to learn birds by their calls, but so far I don't hear anything I recognize. Actually though, my knowledge so far is rather limited. I've got croes, mourning doves, pigeons and hawks. O yes and peacocks which are really very annoying, but we don't really have those around here.
I am sure glad it's Saturday.
I think my townails shall be green again,
have a lovely day!
Friday, July 2, 2010
A Quiet Night
It is still in the darkness. It is black as the forever and the rest are all asleep.
Be still my darling. Lay as one with the night, yet even as you drift your heart beats to the sound of the step.
Beat. Beat. Beat. now comes the sound of the knob.
Beat. Beat. Beat. Now comes the step again. ? Did you feel the bed give? Did you hear the soft breathing? Did you have time to screem before it all ended my darling?
And then they came, rushing to wake you.
Be still my darling. Lay as one with the night, yet even as you drift your heart beats to the sound of the step.
Beat. Beat. Beat. now comes the sound of the knob.
Beat. Beat. Beat. Now comes the step again. ? Did you feel the bed give? Did you hear the soft breathing? Did you have time to screem before it all ended my darling?
And then they came, rushing to wake you.
Tagged Under
night time
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Dance of Soda Bubbles
Hello again my bloggy friends. I've just now escaped certain death via exploding soda bottle. lol O you laugh, but I've had it happen to me before--not that I've died I mean hehe. The first time a rather harmless looking specimen fell off the table where I was getting stuff ready for a day at the pond. It hit the floor with a BANG and somehow the top came right off the cap! True story; I laughed so hard I almost couldn't clean it all up. :D The second time the cap just popped off and hit the ceiling. I'm not actually sure if it stayed up there because I never found it. So there now, My concern is justified lols.
I do love the little bubbles though, and there is not so much I enjoy more than pouring a freshly opened bottle of soda. My favorite are the apple cider ones, but soda bubbles will do just fine for me most times.
I am pleased to report that my fridge is now stalked with food yay! ! ! ! ! You'd be this excited too if you had been half starving for almost a week ... shhhh don't tell. So now that I am properly nurished and safe from explotions, I'll try for some sleep. Not just yet of course, it is far too early for sleep now. I did manage to catch some last night, but then I think I woke up too early and so I fell asleep again in the morning and only just made it to my internship before two.
I do love the little bubbles though, and there is not so much I enjoy more than pouring a freshly opened bottle of soda. My favorite are the apple cider ones, but soda bubbles will do just fine for me most times.
I am pleased to report that my fridge is now stalked with food yay! ! ! ! ! You'd be this excited too if you had been half starving for almost a week ... shhhh don't tell. So now that I am properly nurished and safe from explotions, I'll try for some sleep. Not just yet of course, it is far too early for sleep now. I did manage to catch some last night, but then I think I woke up too early and so I fell asleep again in the morning and only just made it to my internship before two.
Tagged Under
random life
Soda bubbles
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Getting Up To Mischief
O man, I am sooo glad we no longer use leaches for ... well anything. I just read a book where the main character had leaches put on her eye to get rid of some really bad bruising. I think I almost had a fit. I don't know if I've said before how descriptions of graphic violence doesn't much bother me to read in books unless it is on the hands. Well, same goes for the eyes, eek! But, on to my week.
Hmm, where to begin, maybe I'll work my way backwards. Well, Since technically Saturday was yesterday I can safely say absolutely nothing happened except that i read about three books. Otherwise I was sleeping. Yes, I actually slept through the whole day Saturday and hated it. Friend of mine called; most exciting thing since Friday so all in all not the best day, but ah well they can't all be grand
Friday I went to a party for One of the Main ladies who does the after school program I had been doing my internship with. It was very nice and there was quite a good number of people there. Mostly I was glad to be out of my room, since I hadn't been outside since Wednesday (shameful i know) heehee
Tuesday I went over a friends house and we made Cakeballs; a recipe I got from another blog I'm following. ... They were AMAZING! I'm so glad she thought it was a good idea to try them out too because I had been wanting to make them and trying to figure out how I was going to do it. I have only just finished mine *sigh* sad to see them go. O yes and of course I got to play with her cat before we got started. He's a very friendly cat who likes to cuddle which is fun because so do I.
I've been up to some other stuff too, but nothing really worth reporting--at least for this week anyway. So I was looking back over my posts a little bit ago and realized that I never got back about the stone clay. Well,I think it feels a little like stone in certain sculptures, but not much in others. It also breaks very easily, but I think I like it so far. I've only made one pin, but it turned out fine. At first I thought it was a bit heavy, but it turned out alright.
so, it is almost four in the morning and the sun is coming up. Of course it no longer comes through my windows this early *sad face* but it is getting lighter out. I'm going to see if I can't get some sleep before church. Wouldn't want to fall asleep in church now would I. Especially since I sit up front.
Good night my lovely friends--or more accurately good morning :D
Hmm, where to begin, maybe I'll work my way backwards. Well, Since technically Saturday was yesterday I can safely say absolutely nothing happened except that i read about three books. Otherwise I was sleeping. Yes, I actually slept through the whole day Saturday and hated it. Friend of mine called; most exciting thing since Friday so all in all not the best day, but ah well they can't all be grand
Friday I went to a party for One of the Main ladies who does the after school program I had been doing my internship with. It was very nice and there was quite a good number of people there. Mostly I was glad to be out of my room, since I hadn't been outside since Wednesday (shameful i know) heehee
Tuesday I went over a friends house and we made Cakeballs; a recipe I got from another blog I'm following. ... They were AMAZING! I'm so glad she thought it was a good idea to try them out too because I had been wanting to make them and trying to figure out how I was going to do it. I have only just finished mine *sigh* sad to see them go. O yes and of course I got to play with her cat before we got started. He's a very friendly cat who likes to cuddle which is fun because so do I.
I've been up to some other stuff too, but nothing really worth reporting--at least for this week anyway. So I was looking back over my posts a little bit ago and realized that I never got back about the stone clay. Well,I think it feels a little like stone in certain sculptures, but not much in others. It also breaks very easily, but I think I like it so far. I've only made one pin, but it turned out fine. At first I thought it was a bit heavy, but it turned out alright.
so, it is almost four in the morning and the sun is coming up. Of course it no longer comes through my windows this early *sad face* but it is getting lighter out. I'm going to see if I can't get some sleep before church. Wouldn't want to fall asleep in church now would I. Especially since I sit up front.
Good night my lovely friends--or more accurately good morning :D
Tagged Under
random life
random thoughts
the sun
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Just a little Night Musing
It seems i am in that most peculiar of states in which I know exactly what is wrong with me, but I don't know why. That is to say that I am once again in one of my moods. I think I've already mentioned the whole being nocturnal and my theories on that. It isn't just sleeplessness anymore I don't think; I am extremely restless and unsettled. I haven't the foggiest idea why though. hmm
In happier news, I have gotten myself a bran new computer!!! He is all black and shiny and runs fast and beautifully, I am in love. I have named him Finn. I must confess that I have written a post on here with him already, but mostly I am still using Scott here for reasons slightly beyond my control. I can't wait till I'm using Finn fulltime and Scott and I can part ways. I'll have to have a final blogging with him just to say good bye. *sigh*
Tomorrow I'm thinking about bringing Eddie around and playing for people. It should be fun and maybe I can keep my mind occupied. Well, Back to my books it is then. I downloaded a bunch so I'll have something to do.
sleep well
In happier news, I have gotten myself a bran new computer!!! He is all black and shiny and runs fast and beautifully, I am in love. I have named him Finn. I must confess that I have written a post on here with him already, but mostly I am still using Scott here for reasons slightly beyond my control. I can't wait till I'm using Finn fulltime and Scott and I can part ways. I'll have to have a final blogging with him just to say good bye. *sigh*
Tomorrow I'm thinking about bringing Eddie around and playing for people. It should be fun and maybe I can keep my mind occupied. Well, Back to my books it is then. I downloaded a bunch so I'll have something to do.
sleep well
Tagged Under
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Counting The Hours
I can't sleep and it is annoying me. I think at least every summer for the past few years now I've become nocturnal unless there was some reason for me to get up early, in which case I usually just fell asleep afterward. *sighs* Somehow I keep ending up in rooms where i don't any sunlight in the morning and I think maybe this is part of the problem. I know when I have my curtains closed from the night before, it is very hard for me to wake up and stay awake.
I like the night well enough, but there is no one to talk to and really nothing to do with my limited resources. Usually I just download lots and lots of books because I've always had trouble sleeping and this usually helps me. lately though, I've just been up all night, a book playing and not entirely holding my interest.
I had actually thought I was beginning to finally turn my sleep cycle back to rights, but I guess not. I fall asleep around 7 a.m. and have been getting up around 10. It looks like this is going to repeat for another few days so I really wish I could get some sleep. I am completely exhausted, but my body just won't give me the satisfaction of a night's rest. Also, I really hate sleeping when it is still light outside. I've always had an aversion to naps during the day, but when my body wants to sleep and there is nothing around to keep me awake ...
In the book I am reading now, the main character's love interest really started off as a complete jerk. So far he hasn't redeemed himself in my opinion, but i'm not the one he's trying to have a relationship with so I guess that doesn't Matter. Actually the only thing he said that really bothered me was that girls are supposed to like romantic novels. WHAT!!! I hate romance novels; they make me gag. The only reason I've read more than one of them is because sometimes people misfile them if the author writes in more than one genre. I've gone to the library for a good mystery and accidentally gotten a romance by the same author instead. I like to tell my brother, "well if no one dies before the next cd/tape is over, I'm going to stop reading this." lol
Well, enough about that. I suppose really all I can do is continue listening to my book and keep counting hours I must wait before it is polite to talk to people again.
Hope you are getting more sleep than I am.
I like the night well enough, but there is no one to talk to and really nothing to do with my limited resources. Usually I just download lots and lots of books because I've always had trouble sleeping and this usually helps me. lately though, I've just been up all night, a book playing and not entirely holding my interest.
I had actually thought I was beginning to finally turn my sleep cycle back to rights, but I guess not. I fall asleep around 7 a.m. and have been getting up around 10. It looks like this is going to repeat for another few days so I really wish I could get some sleep. I am completely exhausted, but my body just won't give me the satisfaction of a night's rest. Also, I really hate sleeping when it is still light outside. I've always had an aversion to naps during the day, but when my body wants to sleep and there is nothing around to keep me awake ...
In the book I am reading now, the main character's love interest really started off as a complete jerk. So far he hasn't redeemed himself in my opinion, but i'm not the one he's trying to have a relationship with so I guess that doesn't Matter. Actually the only thing he said that really bothered me was that girls are supposed to like romantic novels. WHAT!!! I hate romance novels; they make me gag. The only reason I've read more than one of them is because sometimes people misfile them if the author writes in more than one genre. I've gone to the library for a good mystery and accidentally gotten a romance by the same author instead. I like to tell my brother, "well if no one dies before the next cd/tape is over, I'm going to stop reading this." lol
Well, enough about that. I suppose really all I can do is continue listening to my book and keep counting hours I must wait before it is polite to talk to people again.
Hope you are getting more sleep than I am.
Tagged Under
night time
random life
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Something To Pass the night
I know I know, all that about posting my fiftieth post and I haven't posted so much as a whisper since. I'll come back and tell you all about what I've been doing with myself perhaps tomorrow or later today. For now though, here's a little something I wrote up while I was listening to the rain.
She stared across the table at the man.
"You're late."
The man shrugged, signaled for a drink.
"Talk," He said.
As she outlined her terms, one hand slowly crept up the man's leg. She leaned forward, enhancing his view. His eyes suddenly widened, then he slumped.
She was long gone before they found the knife
Happy dreaming! And if you're up like me, get some sleep. :D
She stared across the table at the man.
"You're late."
The man shrugged, signaled for a drink.
"Talk," He said.
As she outlined her terms, one hand slowly crept up the man's leg. She leaned forward, enhancing his view. His eyes suddenly widened, then he slumped.
She was long gone before they found the knife
Happy dreaming! And if you're up like me, get some sleep. :D
Tagged Under
55 fiction
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Weather Weather Weather
Woooo, hi there, crazy bit of weather we've been having here. We've had severe thunderstorm warnings, crazy rain and even a hurricane warning. It is June after all though, so this shouldn't be that surprising.
So I made it! This will be my fiftieth post, and I've now been blogging for a year last Wednesday. Ok, so that is a bit sad considering, but hey o well.
Friday night/Saturday morning my good friend Running Slippers and I went out to the beach and sat through the thunder storm. Yes, we really are crazy because it was freezing and we both got soaked. We also had hail; actual hail about the size of small marbles. I've never been out in hail before. It was lots and lots of fun though and I think my clothes are nearly dry by now lol.
Then on Saturday I went out to a friend's house for a Pampered Chef party. I had never heard of Pampered Chef before, but it seems to be kind of like Mary K for cooking. lol :D I didn't buy anything, but the stoneware was pretty cool. I think perhaps someday I may invest in a pizza stone hahaha! I eat pizza enough; it is the happy food of my soul. :0)
And then of course to top off the weekend this morning I went to church. Tomorrow my mom's taking me to the science museum. I can't wait! I really hope I sleep some tonight.
Alright, well that seems to be it for now,
So I made it! This will be my fiftieth post, and I've now been blogging for a year last Wednesday. Ok, so that is a bit sad considering, but hey o well.
Friday night/Saturday morning my good friend Running Slippers and I went out to the beach and sat through the thunder storm. Yes, we really are crazy because it was freezing and we both got soaked. We also had hail; actual hail about the size of small marbles. I've never been out in hail before. It was lots and lots of fun though and I think my clothes are nearly dry by now lol.
Then on Saturday I went out to a friend's house for a Pampered Chef party. I had never heard of Pampered Chef before, but it seems to be kind of like Mary K for cooking. lol :D I didn't buy anything, but the stoneware was pretty cool. I think perhaps someday I may invest in a pizza stone hahaha! I eat pizza enough; it is the happy food of my soul. :0)
And then of course to top off the weekend this morning I went to church. Tomorrow my mom's taking me to the science museum. I can't wait! I really hope I sleep some tonight.
Alright, well that seems to be it for now,
Tagged Under
pampered chef
random life
Monday, May 31, 2010
Pleasing Start To a Day
Sun beams dance upon the window sill, bright with the new day.
They leap onto the bed where the girl lays and play over her face and hair;
hair that streams like a wild thing over the pillow.
The eyes open, smile.
She stretches long and languidly, then swings down from the bed.
Warm floorboards curl her toes and she makes a humming sound not unlike a cat's pur in her throat.
She stands there for a while soaking in the comforting light.
Then she is off to begin her day.
They leap onto the bed where the girl lays and play over her face and hair;
hair that streams like a wild thing over the pillow.
The eyes open, smile.
She stretches long and languidly, then swings down from the bed.
Warm floorboards curl her toes and she makes a humming sound not unlike a cat's pur in her throat.
She stands there for a while soaking in the comforting light.
Then she is off to begin her day.
Tagged Under
nature love
the sun
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Invisible Spaces
And what shall the choice be, will I push them out or will they slip away from me?
Am I destined to be surrounded by the silence or closed in a corner of nothingness?
All alone here in the blackness of thought with only the stories and images I spin touching my deepest of souls?
And where are all the people,the ones who I knew?
They are here, all here with me.
And yet I never felt such acute isolation as when I am among many people.
Am I destined to be surrounded by the silence or closed in a corner of nothingness?
All alone here in the blackness of thought with only the stories and images I spin touching my deepest of souls?
And where are all the people,the ones who I knew?
They are here, all here with me.
And yet I never felt such acute isolation as when I am among many people.
Tagged Under
night time
Friday, May 28, 2010
Pickles, Cucumbers Peaches Or Beets?
Today in class we watched a video all about Galileo and his trial, and i have come away thinking that i am really glad that we no longer burn people alive for free thinking.
Then I got back to my room and got distracted with thoughts about Freud, horses, and thorny rose bushes. Feel free to try to unpack any of that if you wish. :D But here's my thought for today, why is it that of all the things you can pickle cucumbers get the default? I mean, why doesn't anyone call pickled peaches just pickles? And for that matter, why not eggs or ham--can you pickle ham? But it is it just that cucumbers change so completely, or is there some other reason?
lol This is what happens when I sit around with too much time on my hands. But seriously, if you do have an answer, feel free to post it, I'd love to know. Or maybe we'll make a contest of it and whoever comes up with the best answer is the one we'll go with hahaha. Ok, that's it from me for now,
Then I got back to my room and got distracted with thoughts about Freud, horses, and thorny rose bushes. Feel free to try to unpack any of that if you wish. :D But here's my thought for today, why is it that of all the things you can pickle cucumbers get the default? I mean, why doesn't anyone call pickled peaches just pickles? And for that matter, why not eggs or ham--can you pickle ham? But it is it just that cucumbers change so completely, or is there some other reason?
lol This is what happens when I sit around with too much time on my hands. But seriously, if you do have an answer, feel free to post it, I'd love to know. Or maybe we'll make a contest of it and whoever comes up with the best answer is the one we'll go with hahaha. Ok, that's it from me for now,
Tagged Under
brain pickers
random life
random thoughts
Thursday, May 27, 2010
To Fly
If I were to fly I would float up and out my window. I would sore high above the street lights and wander the night. I would alight on house tops and tree branches and listen to the world as it sleeps.
I would sing with the crickets, paint pictures with the lightning bugs and hunt with the owls. Till the morning comes again, I would fly. For I am restless tonight and so very very lonely.
I would sing with the crickets, paint pictures with the lightning bugs and hunt with the owls. Till the morning comes again, I would fly. For I am restless tonight and so very very lonely.
Tagged Under
night time
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Checking In
Hi there. Ok so technically this not before the end of the day, but the important thing is that i am still walking right? lol that is really all I have to say since it has been a rather slow day here. Gorgeous weather, but I did not get to enjoy it outside for one reason or another. :( Ah well ... tomorrow for sure. Now I must write a paper on how I feel about Darwin. slancha!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Walk Like A Zomby
Ok ... that is it ... i am never doing laundry again ... ... lol ... ok maybe not that extreme, but seriously! It has got to be a crime to have someone with a leg as good as broken running up and down four flights of stairs just to do laundry, and I had to do it four times! I am pretty much collapsed on my bed now and my legs haven't moved--I'm afraid to try them lol. O sweet love of my life, come carry me away from this place ... hmm, lol perhaps I'll have to kiss more frogs for that :0) Speaking of which, I learned some years ago that the princess never actually kissed the frog in the original story. Actually she was quite mean to the poor little frog, but he still became a prince. Interesting, no?
In other news, I went out to Bertuchi's--and yes I had to look up the spelling for that one--with one of my profs and her family. they were celebrating My friend Running Slippers's birthday and he invited me along. He was technically in my class, but I am graduating a bit later than everyone else from that year. It actually took us a while to get there because we stopped at an art show first, but we got there eventually and now I have more variety in my fridge tee hee. After we got back we played MASH with my prof's twin girls and had cake and just generally had fun. I love hanging out with my profs' families because it is nice to see them in a more natural context. The girls tell me I am funny because I can make silly animal noises, and they are picking up a few from me ... o dear. This is always the trouble with letting me hang out with kids lol.
I am very glad I had something to do tonight because now maybe I'll fall asleep and stay that way for more than two hours. we'll see.
hmm, my legs are still sore and I still have to go and take my clothes out of the drier. I can do this, I will walk back down and up those stairs even if it kills me! ... I really hope it doesn't kill me. there are so many things I want to be able to do first.
ah well, if I am not heard from before the end of tomorrow, send someone out to find me hahahaha lol.
hope your night is less painful, less full of mosquitoes and twice as much fun as mine was. toodles!
In other news, I went out to Bertuchi's--and yes I had to look up the spelling for that one--with one of my profs and her family. they were celebrating My friend Running Slippers's birthday and he invited me along. He was technically in my class, but I am graduating a bit later than everyone else from that year. It actually took us a while to get there because we stopped at an art show first, but we got there eventually and now I have more variety in my fridge tee hee. After we got back we played MASH with my prof's twin girls and had cake and just generally had fun. I love hanging out with my profs' families because it is nice to see them in a more natural context. The girls tell me I am funny because I can make silly animal noises, and they are picking up a few from me ... o dear. This is always the trouble with letting me hang out with kids lol.
I am very glad I had something to do tonight because now maybe I'll fall asleep and stay that way for more than two hours. we'll see.
hmm, my legs are still sore and I still have to go and take my clothes out of the drier. I can do this, I will walk back down and up those stairs even if it kills me! ... I really hope it doesn't kill me. there are so many things I want to be able to do first.
ah well, if I am not heard from before the end of tomorrow, send someone out to find me hahahaha lol.
hope your night is less painful, less full of mosquitoes and twice as much fun as mine was. toodles!
Tagged Under
random life
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sun and Pillos
Well, I've now been on pain pills and muscle relaxants for a few days and I pronounce that they are bad news. But of course I knew they would be. I told that silly doctor that pain pills don't effect me, but do they listen? So anyway, I am pretty much laied up in bed until my presents is required elsewhere. ... You know, I think I may even have pulled something lifting my computer lol. The muscle relaxants just made me numb then my legs were stiff the next day. The first night I could've howled it bothered me so bad ... but shhhhh musn't let the neighbors know there's anything wrong.
lol, but enough of this sadness and pain. I need a new sewing project to do. I am thinking I may do another dragon, nut that there is anything wrong with my hugo. I'd just like to see, plus I still have these green cat eyes that might look cool. O! and I now have this clay I am trying out that is supposed to feel like stone and I have pin backs. I shall have lots of fun this summer. :D
I hope you are finding your summer as equally full of potential.TTFN!
lol, but enough of this sadness and pain. I need a new sewing project to do. I am thinking I may do another dragon, nut that there is anything wrong with my hugo. I'd just like to see, plus I still have these green cat eyes that might look cool. O! and I now have this clay I am trying out that is supposed to feel like stone and I have pin backs. I shall have lots of fun this summer. :D
I hope you are finding your summer as equally full of potential.TTFN!
Tagged Under
random life
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wild Wind
It is a night for the wind. It is beautiful at night moving wild and free. It calls to my soul with its howling cries. It is a night for the wind.
I want to fly away free with the current; passing through clouds, over hills and trees. I want to feel the rush of it through my hair and in my face. I want to fly away free with the wind.
The night is for the wind, and I want to be there in the cool restless magic, flying flying. It calls to me.
I want to fly away free with the current; passing through clouds, over hills and trees. I want to feel the rush of it through my hair and in my face. I want to fly away free with the wind.
The night is for the wind, and I want to be there in the cool restless magic, flying flying. It calls to me.
Tagged Under
nature love
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Reading by Computer Light
So, the semester is over, most of my friends have gone back home--with no hope that i'll ever see some of them again--I am all moved in to my summer room, and I am awake once again. Maybe I should get my masters in counseling and treat insomniacs hahaha. Also, my leg kills and I am planning on making an appointment to see someone about it tomorrow ... cross your fingers that nothing's broken
It's always tough to find things to do when everyone has given over to the state of dreams and unconsciousness. I actually have yet to unpack my room, so I could do that which is what I had planned for yesterday, but it hurts too much to move around such a small space and do all that bending. It still sounds hollow. Sometimes I like to sew, but that's usually a task I need some sort of background noise to. I also don't really know where any of my stuff is since my mom moved me out and stuck everything in bags. ... ah well, I shall keep reading then shall I?
Once cut the ice may bleed.
So dark so rich so deep.
Such an endless flow to make rivers.
Leaving shattered crystals so beautiful, yet so cold.
It's always tough to find things to do when everyone has given over to the state of dreams and unconsciousness. I actually have yet to unpack my room, so I could do that which is what I had planned for yesterday, but it hurts too much to move around such a small space and do all that bending. It still sounds hollow. Sometimes I like to sew, but that's usually a task I need some sort of background noise to. I also don't really know where any of my stuff is since my mom moved me out and stuck everything in bags. ... ah well, I shall keep reading then shall I?
Once cut the ice may bleed.
So dark so rich so deep.
Such an endless flow to make rivers.
Leaving shattered crystals so beautiful, yet so cold.
Tagged Under
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wow What a Day
I did it! I finally graduated college--well, ok so I don't actually graduate till August, but I walked today and got the thing the daploma is supposed to come in. :D It was a nice day and everything, didn't see all the friends I'd maybe hoped to, but it's ok because the ones who were there were enough and I understand for the ones who couldn't make it.
after I got to introduce my Mom to some of my friends and profs then some friends and I ran off to friendlys. Three of us went in to Boston after that and almost got stranded because the Orange line was down. mm wow
We had to walk to the next stop which was quite an adventure and we finally made it back with all arms legs and other vital parts intact. :D
Sadly I haven't really started packing yet and I need to be out of here no exceptions by Monday at five so I started moving stuff when we got back. Well, it's going ... depends on how much the good outweighs the bad I guess. I managed to get my Microwave moved, but I am only one person, not too tall and not terribly strong and I only ever have one hand to use at a time. I didn't break the mic plate or drop the thing itself, but now my whole left side hurts and my arm is still shaking if it is anything but limp at my side. lol, But this is really nothing new as It can be hard to find people still around to help me.
The last thing I carried over was a box of furs and on my way over I got hit by a car ... moving this time and on my right side. That's the one that didn't get hit the last time. Apparently the fact that I was walking away shaking badly was enough confirmation that I was ok ... jerk!
My leg still hurts and I think I need a hug, but a good book and snuggling in bed will work too.
So, to sum up, and arm that won't stop shaking,sore feet from all the walking and a right leg that feels slightly out of alinement ... awesome! good night my bloggy friends
after I got to introduce my Mom to some of my friends and profs then some friends and I ran off to friendlys. Three of us went in to Boston after that and almost got stranded because the Orange line was down. mm wow
We had to walk to the next stop which was quite an adventure and we finally made it back with all arms legs and other vital parts intact. :D
Sadly I haven't really started packing yet and I need to be out of here no exceptions by Monday at five so I started moving stuff when we got back. Well, it's going ... depends on how much the good outweighs the bad I guess. I managed to get my Microwave moved, but I am only one person, not too tall and not terribly strong and I only ever have one hand to use at a time. I didn't break the mic plate or drop the thing itself, but now my whole left side hurts and my arm is still shaking if it is anything but limp at my side. lol, But this is really nothing new as It can be hard to find people still around to help me.
The last thing I carried over was a box of furs and on my way over I got hit by a car ... moving this time and on my right side. That's the one that didn't get hit the last time. Apparently the fact that I was walking away shaking badly was enough confirmation that I was ok ... jerk!
My leg still hurts and I think I need a hug, but a good book and snuggling in bed will work too.
So, to sum up, and arm that won't stop shaking,sore feet from all the walking and a right leg that feels slightly out of alinement ... awesome! good night my bloggy friends
Tagged Under
random life
Friday, May 14, 2010
I am a ghost among them.
Silently gliding through doors and walls and the people around me.
no one knows me, yet i am here.
Clear as the air,deadly as smoke.
I live and breathe among them.
sharing their sorrows, delighting in their joy.
Yet they do not know me.
But there are some.
There are a few who can see me.
And of those I am afraid.
Silently gliding through doors and walls and the people around me.
no one knows me, yet i am here.
Clear as the air,deadly as smoke.
I live and breathe among them.
sharing their sorrows, delighting in their joy.
Yet they do not know me.
But there are some.
There are a few who can see me.
And of those I am afraid.
Tagged Under
random thoughts
All Alone With My Thoughts
This is going to be another long night I can just feel it. I think my sleep cycle is off again and I really should fix that, but ... well, who knows.
You know those moments when you get ideas or remember to tell someone something or when you're just bored and wanna chat, but you can't because no one else is awake? Well, it happens to me a lot; no surprise since I am the sleepless wonder huh? lol Once, I remembered that I wanted to ask a professor something and so I picked up the phone and was half way to dialing when I remembered that it was three in the morning hehehehe. I'm pretty sure our phones give the time signature too. lol How funny that would have been.
Anyway I'm just here trying to think if there is something I need to be doing or if I can just try for suspended animation.
Maybe I should become really good friends with someone across the ocean lolol.Well, good night my bloggy friends, hope you have better luck sleeping than I do.
My thoughts are loud and restless.
Crashing together and keeping me awake.
O where is the solace of silence if not in my own mind?
You know those moments when you get ideas or remember to tell someone something or when you're just bored and wanna chat, but you can't because no one else is awake? Well, it happens to me a lot; no surprise since I am the sleepless wonder huh? lol Once, I remembered that I wanted to ask a professor something and so I picked up the phone and was half way to dialing when I remembered that it was three in the morning hehehehe. I'm pretty sure our phones give the time signature too. lol How funny that would have been.
Anyway I'm just here trying to think if there is something I need to be doing or if I can just try for suspended animation.
Maybe I should become really good friends with someone across the ocean lolol.Well, good night my bloggy friends, hope you have better luck sleeping than I do.
My thoughts are loud and restless.
Crashing together and keeping me awake.
O where is the solace of silence if not in my own mind?
Tagged Under
random thoughts
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I am here at the bottom. I lie with moist sand beneath me and the blue blue blue stretching out above me. Here at this depth the sun barely reaches me and it is dark.
The water ripples and shimmers around me. I am swayed gently by the motion, like a mother rocking her child to sleep.
There is no sound here, only sight and motion. It makes the inky blackness that swirls above me more sinister. It is closing in on me. I try to fight it, but am paralyzed; only moving with the water.
The fish are interested in me and I watch them like aquatic fairies through the blackness. When the dark is complete, they will come back and eat out my eyes.
The water ripples and shimmers around me. I am swayed gently by the motion, like a mother rocking her child to sleep.
There is no sound here, only sight and motion. It makes the inky blackness that swirls above me more sinister. It is closing in on me. I try to fight it, but am paralyzed; only moving with the water.
The fish are interested in me and I watch them like aquatic fairies through the blackness. When the dark is complete, they will come back and eat out my eyes.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Snuggled InTight
I have just made possibly the most amazing discovery ever; I still have mm cookies. ... Ok so really it's not the best, but it does go to show you how hungry I am. Poor little Winddaughter pining for food. lol
I managed to miss dinner again and so I had to go downstairs and eat in the dugout.Usually transfer meals include your item, one side--salad fries or chips--one drink and one snack. I usually like to get fruit snacks, but they didn't have those so I got cookies. Only I forgot to eat them, as is often the case. and only just now remembered. All is right with the world and I shall eat cookies. :D
Tonight it is very cold outside. It is times like this when I can only wonder, if this is global warming, what was the Earth like years ago? So I am snuggled up here in my bed collecting the warmth of my computer. I may actually have to pull up my second blanket and sleep under it. I have not done this since winter.
Hmm, you know now that I think about it, maybe because we sometimes have Indian summers, winter thinks it needs a turn.hahaha I know I am silly, but it isn't any crazier than fish wanting to swim being an explanation for why they jump out of their tanks.
On a completely unrelated side note that I will probably not connect to anything, has anyone ever noticed how the smell of fresh blood is similar to the smell of money on your hands? I did the other day; it's that coppery metallic smell. Well in any case dream sweetly and if it is as cold where ever you are as it is here, I wish you happy snuggling.
I managed to miss dinner again and so I had to go downstairs and eat in the dugout.Usually transfer meals include your item, one side--salad fries or chips--one drink and one snack. I usually like to get fruit snacks, but they didn't have those so I got cookies. Only I forgot to eat them, as is often the case. and only just now remembered. All is right with the world and I shall eat cookies. :D
Tonight it is very cold outside. It is times like this when I can only wonder, if this is global warming, what was the Earth like years ago? So I am snuggled up here in my bed collecting the warmth of my computer. I may actually have to pull up my second blanket and sleep under it. I have not done this since winter.
Hmm, you know now that I think about it, maybe because we sometimes have Indian summers, winter thinks it needs a turn.hahaha I know I am silly, but it isn't any crazier than fish wanting to swim being an explanation for why they jump out of their tanks.
On a completely unrelated side note that I will probably not connect to anything, has anyone ever noticed how the smell of fresh blood is similar to the smell of money on your hands? I did the other day; it's that coppery metallic smell. Well in any case dream sweetly and if it is as cold where ever you are as it is here, I wish you happy snuggling.
Tagged Under
random life
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Waters
It is a mad place here.
Here in the blue waters that run so deep.
It is a mad place.
There was calm once.
Once before the madness began.
In the water that ran so clear and so blue.
There was calm.
Once the sharks swam serenely.
Their streamline bodies cutting so smoothly through the water.
Powerful fins barely rippling as they moved like dancers.
Now there is only madness.
Clouds of angry grays and blacks.
They make the water thick with their wild churning, roiling whirling.
Once graceful fins now lashing out.
There are teeth as well.
Bright flashes of gnashing teeth like a million shards of glass.
All for a single drop of red blood.
The single drop dropped dripping from above.
And it has caused a frenzy.
The surface ripples.
Here in the blue waters that run so deep.
It is a mad place.
There was calm once.
Once before the madness began.
In the water that ran so clear and so blue.
There was calm.
Once the sharks swam serenely.
Their streamline bodies cutting so smoothly through the water.
Powerful fins barely rippling as they moved like dancers.
Now there is only madness.
Clouds of angry grays and blacks.
They make the water thick with their wild churning, roiling whirling.
Once graceful fins now lashing out.
There are teeth as well.
Bright flashes of gnashing teeth like a million shards of glass.
All for a single drop of red blood.
The single drop dropped dripping from above.
And it has caused a frenzy.
The surface ripples.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
For The Love of the Cup and Other Matters
I have in my possession a big round mug that is one of my very favorite things. It is labeled coffee, but unless it is iced or only on special occasions when it is hot will I drink. Even then my coffee must be loaded with cream and sugar--sorry to all of you purists. I do drink hot coco in my mug and that is lovely, but as it is so big and round compared to typical mugs I can and have used it for hosts of other things such as soup, cereal and canned pasta. Tonight I am eating easy mac because as I have been diligently working on papers all day, I managed to miss both lunch and dinner.
Yesterday my school held the annual Jr./Sr. banquet and Being a senior, I got to go for free. There is no dancing, but every one gets to dress up nice, eat a nice dinner, watch a ten minute slide and take loads of pictures. Somehow this takes five hours and I'm not really sure why. I ended up getting voted most laied back :]
Afterward I hung out with some friends and we Ran into this totally smashed guy who wouldn't leave us alone. It'll make a great story after the fact, but at the time I was a bit freaked out. So when he asks us for our names, we gave him fake ones and ran off. All in all I had quite a night. At some point we saw a dog and it reminded me of my own siberian husky. We had a cocker spaniel too, but he was not friendly at all. Good thing for the drunk guy my Benjy wasn't with us.
Today there were Just the papers--o and A lovely trip to A.C.Moore with a friend whom I hadn't seen in quite awhile.I got a nice box of sculpey clay and should be starting a new project soon.
ttfn :0)
Yesterday my school held the annual Jr./Sr. banquet and Being a senior, I got to go for free. There is no dancing, but every one gets to dress up nice, eat a nice dinner, watch a ten minute slide and take loads of pictures. Somehow this takes five hours and I'm not really sure why. I ended up getting voted most laied back :]
Afterward I hung out with some friends and we Ran into this totally smashed guy who wouldn't leave us alone. It'll make a great story after the fact, but at the time I was a bit freaked out. So when he asks us for our names, we gave him fake ones and ran off. All in all I had quite a night. At some point we saw a dog and it reminded me of my own siberian husky. We had a cocker spaniel too, but he was not friendly at all. Good thing for the drunk guy my Benjy wasn't with us.
Today there were Just the papers--o and A lovely trip to A.C.Moore with a friend whom I hadn't seen in quite awhile.I got a nice box of sculpey clay and should be starting a new project soon.
ttfn :0)
Tagged Under
tales from the cup
the beach random life
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
All Things Sticky
The other day some sticky and unidentified substance formed on my dresser. I'm not entirely sure where it came from, but as far as I'm concerned, it may have just grown up out of no where. The main issue that I am concerned with is that it is sticky. I do not like sticky.
This does sound funny coming from an artest who frequently works with clay, but my clay is usually not sticky. It is not that I will refuse to take out trash or clean tables or even eat food with my hands because I will and do all of those things. My problem is anything sticky I get on my hands that is unintentional. Many people might feel this way, but I seem to have a particular issue with it. I am actually finicky about eating sticky foods with my hands, but for the most part I tolerate it, just so long as there are napkins near at hand. Do I sound crazy yet?
*sigh* ah well.I've only actually flipped out once when some excess sour cream dripped on to my hand from the taco I was eating. *shivers* For now I will worry about how staying awake all night is going to effect the rest of my week. Sweet dreams
This does sound funny coming from an artest who frequently works with clay, but my clay is usually not sticky. It is not that I will refuse to take out trash or clean tables or even eat food with my hands because I will and do all of those things. My problem is anything sticky I get on my hands that is unintentional. Many people might feel this way, but I seem to have a particular issue with it. I am actually finicky about eating sticky foods with my hands, but for the most part I tolerate it, just so long as there are napkins near at hand. Do I sound crazy yet?
*sigh* ah well.I've only actually flipped out once when some excess sour cream dripped on to my hand from the taco I was eating. *shivers* For now I will worry about how staying awake all night is going to effect the rest of my week. Sweet dreams
Tagged Under
fun facts about me
random life
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monstro! the beginning
The meadow lay behind Mrs. Jeraldson's house just up the street. Old Mrs. Jeraldson did not live there anymore, but the family still kept the house and visited every so often. The children weren't generally allowed in the meadow, but sometimes when no one was watching Lanie snuck off to make flower bouquets on her favorite rock. She was the youngest of the three Seuly children; Jamy Nate and Annie Lane Seuly. When Mr. and Mrs. Seuly were out, Jamy and Nate were supposed to look after Lanie, but being that they were boys, they had no time to baby sit a little sister.
On that particular day the boys were collecting ants for their ant war. They told Lanie that she couldn't help and would only get in the way, but she did not want to play with bugs and when their backs were turned she slipped away.
It had rained the night before and the meadow glistened darkly with the moisture. The rock would be wet still, so Lanie walked around picking flowers for awhile. There was a decomposing log near the rock, its bottom slick. Something lay on the log, but Lanie could not see what it was from where she stood. She went closer. The creature lay in a tangled heap like a rag doll. Lanie felt tears prick at her eyes as she came closer to the log. Weakly, one eye opened and stared.
Lanie caught her breath; he was still alive. She set down her flowers and gingerly cradled the small bundle in her arms. He was a kitten, very small and so dirty that his color was indeterminable. The kitten did not struggle, only shivered as Lanie held him. She stood and carried him home.
"Please Daddy," Lanie begged, "I'll take care of him. Please Daddy, he looked so scared and all alone.
Mr. Seuly had come home to find Lanie sitting on the front steps humming to a bundle of blankets she held in her arms. He thought at first that it was a doll of hers, but frowned when he saw the mud streaked down the front of her shirt. He had stepped out of the car and come up beside her, and that was when she had shone him the kitten. The boys had come running up from the back yard moments later and now stood a few feet away, looking somewhat nervous.
"Cats don't have families," Jamy interjected, "they don't need anyone."
"O yes they do," Lanie shot back. "Little ones like this one do."
"Boys, go inside and wash up for dinner," Mr. Seuly said turning to address them. "your mother will be home soon."
The boys hurried into the house, happy to get away but uncertain whether they might still be in trouble.
Mr. Seuly sat beside his daughter and peered down at the dirty little face in the blankets.
"Sweety, you know that cat might belong to someone else."
"Then they wouldn't have left him all alone."
"But what if he got lost?"
Lanie considered this.
"Then we can put up fliers, but Daddy we can't just leave him alone till someone finds him. Can I keep him please, just till we find his real home?"
"You're going to have to take care of him. You'll have to feed and play with ...," but he never got the chance to finish because at that moment Lanie had jumped up and thrown her arms as far around her father as they would go, crushing the kitten between them.
He was a beautiful kitten; somewhat on the small side but he seemed to do alright once he was cleaned and kept warm and out of the rain. He had brilliant green eyes that watched everything like two inquisitive emeralds staring out from his little pixy face. His fur was on the darker side of orange, almost the color of a red fox, but his markings were what made him stand out. His underbelly and up over his throat to his chin were white, and he had a small white diamond just above his left eye. To complete the package his entire front left leg up to the shoulder blade was white giving him a somewhat unbalanced look.
"I want to call him Browny," Lanie announced.
"He isn't brown," Nate objected.
"Pixy dust?"
"What would you want to give him a name like that for? It sounds too girly. If he was a kid with that name, he'd get laughed off the playground."
Lanie chewed on a strand of her hair as she considered the kitten.
"He should have a big name because he's so small. I like ... Monstro."
Nate set down his game controller and squinted at the kitten. Then he began to laugh, but Lanie had made up her mind; Monstro purred.
On that particular day the boys were collecting ants for their ant war. They told Lanie that she couldn't help and would only get in the way, but she did not want to play with bugs and when their backs were turned she slipped away.
It had rained the night before and the meadow glistened darkly with the moisture. The rock would be wet still, so Lanie walked around picking flowers for awhile. There was a decomposing log near the rock, its bottom slick. Something lay on the log, but Lanie could not see what it was from where she stood. She went closer. The creature lay in a tangled heap like a rag doll. Lanie felt tears prick at her eyes as she came closer to the log. Weakly, one eye opened and stared.
Lanie caught her breath; he was still alive. She set down her flowers and gingerly cradled the small bundle in her arms. He was a kitten, very small and so dirty that his color was indeterminable. The kitten did not struggle, only shivered as Lanie held him. She stood and carried him home.
"Please Daddy," Lanie begged, "I'll take care of him. Please Daddy, he looked so scared and all alone.
Mr. Seuly had come home to find Lanie sitting on the front steps humming to a bundle of blankets she held in her arms. He thought at first that it was a doll of hers, but frowned when he saw the mud streaked down the front of her shirt. He had stepped out of the car and come up beside her, and that was when she had shone him the kitten. The boys had come running up from the back yard moments later and now stood a few feet away, looking somewhat nervous.
"Cats don't have families," Jamy interjected, "they don't need anyone."
"O yes they do," Lanie shot back. "Little ones like this one do."
"Boys, go inside and wash up for dinner," Mr. Seuly said turning to address them. "your mother will be home soon."
The boys hurried into the house, happy to get away but uncertain whether they might still be in trouble.
Mr. Seuly sat beside his daughter and peered down at the dirty little face in the blankets.
"Sweety, you know that cat might belong to someone else."
"Then they wouldn't have left him all alone."
"But what if he got lost?"
Lanie considered this.
"Then we can put up fliers, but Daddy we can't just leave him alone till someone finds him. Can I keep him please, just till we find his real home?"
"You're going to have to take care of him. You'll have to feed and play with ...," but he never got the chance to finish because at that moment Lanie had jumped up and thrown her arms as far around her father as they would go, crushing the kitten between them.
He was a beautiful kitten; somewhat on the small side but he seemed to do alright once he was cleaned and kept warm and out of the rain. He had brilliant green eyes that watched everything like two inquisitive emeralds staring out from his little pixy face. His fur was on the darker side of orange, almost the color of a red fox, but his markings were what made him stand out. His underbelly and up over his throat to his chin were white, and he had a small white diamond just above his left eye. To complete the package his entire front left leg up to the shoulder blade was white giving him a somewhat unbalanced look.
"I want to call him Browny," Lanie announced.
"He isn't brown," Nate objected.
"Pixy dust?"
"What would you want to give him a name like that for? It sounds too girly. If he was a kid with that name, he'd get laughed off the playground."
Lanie chewed on a strand of her hair as she considered the kitten.
"He should have a big name because he's so small. I like ... Monstro."
Nate set down his game controller and squinted at the kitten. Then he began to laugh, but Lanie had made up her mind; Monstro purred.
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55 fiction
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Happy Place
Early in the morning when the sun begins to make its rounds, it makes a happy and most welcome stop by my own window for awhile. If I am awake early enough and can afford the luxury of laying in bed for an hour or two, I get to enjoy it. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I truly truly truly love the sun. It is true , I have a fascination with snow and all things frozen water or vapor, but the sun is in my soul.
When the sun smiles on nature and turns the snow in to so many tiny crystals, or the rain to falling diamonds it is like a fairy world. With out the sun I feel lost and somewhat shriveled up inside. When I am there on my bed, with the sun calling at my window, it is my happy place. I can contemplate God's creation, or the rest of my day or even the rest of my week, and there is always calm.
Some mornings are cloudy or dreary and this tends to affect my whole day. Not that I will be in a nasty mood toward everyone for seemingly no reason, but I am never entirely as happy as I am with a visit from the sun; my own friend Phoebus
When the sun smiles on nature and turns the snow in to so many tiny crystals, or the rain to falling diamonds it is like a fairy world. With out the sun I feel lost and somewhat shriveled up inside. When I am there on my bed, with the sun calling at my window, it is my happy place. I can contemplate God's creation, or the rest of my day or even the rest of my week, and there is always calm.
Some mornings are cloudy or dreary and this tends to affect my whole day. Not that I will be in a nasty mood toward everyone for seemingly no reason, but I am never entirely as happy as I am with a visit from the sun; my own friend Phoebus
Tagged Under
my happy place
nature love
the sun
Monday, April 12, 2010
Small Dreams And Fantom Things
I have of late, been wanting to adopt a little orange and white kitten and name him Monstro. I don't know why this is, but every once in awhile I like to look up dog breeds on the AKC website and imagine what I would name a particular kind. I want each and every one of them, but realize that I could not possiblly take care of that many dogs responsibly. So instead of coming home with me, in the fur if you will, they float around in my mind and sometimes they go into my stories. Or sometimes they become stuffed animals. It is very possible that little Monstro will end up in some story somewhere. Hmm, I wonder what's in store for our fearless little kitten. Well, perhaps you should stay tune for what happens.
O yes and I've finally gotten around to getting a picture up.That's Eddie and I. I wish I had a better case for him. Happy dreaming.
O yes and I've finally gotten around to getting a picture up.That's Eddie and I. I wish I had a better case for him. Happy dreaming.
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blog stuff
Friday, April 9, 2010
Lots To Do, Lots To Do
First order of business tomorrow I have got to take a test that I had to have postponed because of an equipment issue, over the weekend I am going swimming with the after school group and on Tuesday I am taking the second of my major field tests. I also need to fit two papers some research and a continuation of my quest for duct brand ducttape in there. I am so very glad that my major paper has been moved to Thursday. Ah well, such is the life I really feel bad about complaining and try not to.
Tonight My mother came by and brought me a new bag. It is a lot nicer than the ones I am used to having and hopefully it will last longer. between all the change from my wallet and the keys with everything on them but actual keys my bags just can't hold up for very long. Prior to tonight I had been using my backpack. It has already ripped once, but I managed to sew it up and so far it had been working fine. It is just too big of a thing to be carrying around especially on Sundays to church or when ever else I want to dress up nice or dress light. Sadly though I will not as easily be able to carry Eddie around, But I think we can manage somehow.
And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to begin my very long and busy weekend. Happy dreaming!
Tonight My mother came by and brought me a new bag. It is a lot nicer than the ones I am used to having and hopefully it will last longer. between all the change from my wallet and the keys with everything on them but actual keys my bags just can't hold up for very long. Prior to tonight I had been using my backpack. It has already ripped once, but I managed to sew it up and so far it had been working fine. It is just too big of a thing to be carrying around especially on Sundays to church or when ever else I want to dress up nice or dress light. Sadly though I will not as easily be able to carry Eddie around, But I think we can manage somehow.
And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to begin my very long and busy weekend. Happy dreaming!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Just Enough Time To Look
Seems like there's so much to blog about, but I don't know where to begin. there wasn't much to today except that I missed my first class--I know I know! it's one of the things I really can't stand, but slightly after being late for class-- then I went and hung out in our lovely Center for Academic Services. I really love technology, but sometimes .... The funny thing in all this is that I was up all night, but then one minute it was 6:30, then the next I was way past missing class. :( Then I had to cancel the study group I have been leading, but it sounds like maybe no one showed up anyway so perhaps I don't feel so bad? And all this because my cd player stopped working. I'd explain this more, but It would take awhile. Remind me about it sometime and I'll tell you about it.
My poor dear Scott has been showing his age and I think he was just not made by good people to begin with. The upshot of this is that I am in the market for a new computer.So far based on everything I think I might need, it's down to picking the one that I like the looks of best.I went with a friend to Best Buy and we saw two laptops that were nice, but I am still looking. Actually We started off walking in the wrong direction and so by the time we found the store it was nearly nine. Ick, everything closes too early here. Actually though it worked out because we had just enough time to see the two computers that were recommended to me. Then we came back to campus and bought Easter candy half price.
I think all stories should end so happily don't you? "and then we bought Easter candy half price" :]
P.S. has anybody noticed the tags on some of my posts that say "beach random life"? I'm really not sure how that happened. I tried to edit it, but it refuses to be gotten rid of. Ah ... well, the beach random life it is :D
My poor dear Scott has been showing his age and I think he was just not made by good people to begin with. The upshot of this is that I am in the market for a new computer.So far based on everything I think I might need, it's down to picking the one that I like the looks of best.I went with a friend to Best Buy and we saw two laptops that were nice, but I am still looking. Actually We started off walking in the wrong direction and so by the time we found the store it was nearly nine. Ick, everything closes too early here. Actually though it worked out because we had just enough time to see the two computers that were recommended to me. Then we came back to campus and bought Easter candy half price.
I think all stories should end so happily don't you? "and then we bought Easter candy half price" :]
P.S. has anybody noticed the tags on some of my posts that say "beach random life"? I'm really not sure how that happened. I tried to edit it, but it refuses to be gotten rid of. Ah ... well, the beach random life it is :D
Tagged Under
random life
Monday, April 5, 2010
Fun With Blogs
Wow, fun fun fun! So I just spent hours and hours fixing up my blog with the help of my little brother. Most things I try to figure out on my own, but he's my resident genius for the technical stuff. :D So, I've gotten a whole new look that I think suits better and i owe much of the credit to my bro: thanks much.
And don't think I've forgotten about mentioning you in the dedication should my story ever get published ... and you won't be dead before I do it.
Now I'm off to pretend that I didn't just waste a perfectly good day and live up to my title of the sleepless wonder. toodeloo!
And don't think I've forgotten about mentioning you in the dedication should my story ever get published ... and you won't be dead before I do it.
Now I'm off to pretend that I didn't just waste a perfectly good day and live up to my title of the sleepless wonder. toodeloo!
Tagged Under
blog stuff
my brother
the beach random life
Red With Black Spots
Every so often something catches my attention and lodges its self in my thoughts. I become fascinated by whatever it is and depending on what it is, I try to learn more about it. I seem to go through quite a lot of fascinations, but I never entirely let go of the old ones. Most recently I have developed a new appreciation for the cello. The problem is that I have not yet been able to find one to try my hand at, and buying one isn't any easier because of how expensive instruments are.
The Latest fascination is actually not a completely new one, but an old one that has been sparked because of something i read recently. lady beetles
I remember when I was about in the third grade I made a picture of a ladybug out of construction paper and asked my teacher if I could go teach one of the younger classes about ladybugs. I guess then that they have been a fascination to me for awhile. I've always thought them friendly and cheery looking with their black and red and I've even considered finding a bunch of little pins or buttons in ladybug shape and sticking them to a t-shirt or something. I did that once with frogs, but my mother borrowed that shirt and I've never seen it again. I think perhaps I'll make some sort of Ladybug necklace or maybe a pair of earrings. That should perhaps satisfy my fascination and the next time I think "hmm, ladybugs" I'll have the necklace to wear.
P.S. remember that post all about red? Some people consider ladybugs lucky and some use them to help in their gardens. :D bye for now and let me know if you have any fun ladybug stories.
The Latest fascination is actually not a completely new one, but an old one that has been sparked because of something i read recently. lady beetles
I remember when I was about in the third grade I made a picture of a ladybug out of construction paper and asked my teacher if I could go teach one of the younger classes about ladybugs. I guess then that they have been a fascination to me for awhile. I've always thought them friendly and cheery looking with their black and red and I've even considered finding a bunch of little pins or buttons in ladybug shape and sticking them to a t-shirt or something. I did that once with frogs, but my mother borrowed that shirt and I've never seen it again. I think perhaps I'll make some sort of Ladybug necklace or maybe a pair of earrings. That should perhaps satisfy my fascination and the next time I think "hmm, ladybugs" I'll have the necklace to wear.
P.S. remember that post all about red? Some people consider ladybugs lucky and some use them to help in their gardens. :D bye for now and let me know if you have any fun ladybug stories.
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fun facts about me
Thursday, April 1, 2010
late night feelings
I've been thinking about snow of late.We don't have snow at the moment, though way too much rain for typical March. It is that lovely transition between winter and spring when winter is trying to hold on yet spring is beginning to blossom. Tonight I was out walking with a friend and the air was just so beautifully crisp and clear. It reminded me of a quiet winter morning. Also there is something trans-like about street lamps and neon signs at night, when activity is slowed to a minimum. I find it very beautiful. Now I ought to write my papers, yet I can't quite get up the motivation I'd really rather just sit outside and listen to the silence :)
Tagged Under
night time
random thoughts
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Another Day
Not much happening here today, though the heat has gone on some sort of rampage. hehe I am practicing barre chords now because I suppose they are useful though we are not friends at the moment. I had a giant craving for Chinese, but no one would go for it with me so sadly I had to deel with the food here. :( O Well, another day maybe. I also organized my flash drive a bit which for some reason I very much enjoy. ... I sort of want to drink some coco, but it is too hot right about now lol.Maybe this week will get more interesting? laters :D
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random life
Saturday, February 27, 2010
So for my field experience psych class I am doing my internship at an afterschool program for children who are blind and visually impaired. It is every Thursday, but twice a month there are activities on Saturday. Today the kids went swimming. Indoor swimming of course, and since it has been raining for days here and it is still winter after all that really helped. I am now wonderfully coated with clorine and should shower soon bc if nothing else, my hair feels gross. lol :D I actually love swimming, but not in pools. I really used to like swimming in the pond or at the beach, but only when it is really hot out because the water is cold at the beach. Now I am just hanging out and probably gonna go back to my friend Ducky's room because her roomies are gone and i don't have one. toodaloo
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the beach random life
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentines Day Is It ...
It pretty much seems to break up like this, either you have a Valentine and the two of you are happy extatic together, or you don't have one and you're not. I'm not really sure how I feel really, it comes it goes it comes again. I do think I enjoyed getting those little cardboard valentines we used to pass out in school. Ah well, not much to do here at the moment and I should probably go to bed, but I am not ready for sleep just yet. Maybe if I get a dog we can go out for nightly jogs ... maybe that is what I should do.
I did meat a bearded dragon and fell in love with him. He is a very cool feeling lizard and I had always kinda wanted one, but now I really want one. well, good night and happy Valentines/singles awareness day
I did meat a bearded dragon and fell in love with him. He is a very cool feeling lizard and I had always kinda wanted one, but now I really want one. well, good night and happy Valentines/singles awareness day
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bearded dragons
Friday, January 29, 2010
hi again
So I am very pleased to report that my snow leopard is finished ... though, long since by now. It is finished none the less. Today is very cold out and firefox is saying it is 16 Degrees out. brrrr we also had a mini blizzard, and when i say mini, i mean it litterly lasted no more than five minutes.It was very random, sometimes i wonder about those things. In any case, i am currently working on a story that i am considering posting on here when it is finished. We will see how it all goes. ttfn and keep warm in love and coco!
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