I intended to make the dragon kind of small, and the ball I used should have done the tric. I guess he was a little too big though, because I have been gradually shrinking down his body by carefully squeezing it out in to his tail. Now he has a really long tail, but I'm not sure I'm done shrinking yet. I am going to take off his tail after I'm done with it and I might even have enough to give him a nice pair of wings.
Here he is after I've shrunken him some.
Check out that mongo tail of his. It's heavier than he is, and keeps pulling him down.
Here's one of his claws.
I am still working on making them sharper even though they will just get flat when i bake him.
I thought It'd be a good idea to wear the glove so there was a better contrast. I'll try to post a few more picks after he's done and has wings. =D TTFN!
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