Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Happy Sad

It is november and i am starting to get chills.Not the kind that you might expect because of the cold weather, but the kind you get when you are anticipating something exciting. Yes, thanksgiving is coming up fairly soon and Christmas too, but these are not the source of my excitement. I am excited for winter. =D As far as I'm concerned it's pretty much already winter here. We have entered that seemingly endless black tunnel and the air is getting too nippy for autumn, and we're sure to get snow soon. I love winter; the crunch and sparkle of new snow, the decoration of icicles, pine trees and peppermint, and hot coco by a roaring fire. I love just about everything but the cold itself. And despite all this, winter always manages to make me sad. Yes, that little blossum of excitement that awakens from deep inside and brings so many happy memories, feelings and traditions, is laced with sadness. I have no clear explanation for this, but it seems to have been so for quite some time now. something about a cold clear winter morning or the moonlit snow beneath the black cloked sky causes me to thrill and drink in their beauty, but also to want to weep. But o, I love winter so. Even just the word excites me and floods me with memories. I think I may try to write something on the subject.

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