Monday, April 5, 2010

Red With Black Spots

Every so often something catches my attention and lodges its self in my thoughts. I become fascinated by whatever it is and depending on what it is, I try to learn more about it. I seem to go through quite a lot of fascinations, but I never entirely let go of the old ones. Most recently I have developed a new appreciation for the cello. The problem is that I have not yet been able to find one to try my hand at, and buying one isn't any easier because of how expensive instruments are.
The Latest fascination is actually not a completely new one, but an old one that has been sparked because of something i read recently. lady beetles
I remember when I was about in the third grade I made a picture of a ladybug out of construction paper and asked my teacher if I could go teach one of the younger classes about ladybugs. I guess then that they have been a fascination to me for awhile. I've always thought them friendly and cheery looking with their black and red and I've even considered finding a bunch of little pins or buttons in ladybug shape and sticking them to a t-shirt or something. I did that once with frogs, but my mother borrowed that shirt and I've never seen it again. I think perhaps I'll make some sort of Ladybug necklace or maybe a pair of earrings. That should perhaps satisfy my fascination and the next time I think "hmm, ladybugs" I'll have the necklace to wear.
P.S. remember that post all about red? Some people consider ladybugs lucky and some use them to help in their gardens. :D bye for now and let me know if you have any fun ladybug stories.

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