Monday, February 21, 2011

They're home! They're Home They're H *Hack?*

So my roomies are back home and they came back early! yay happy! And clearly I am still alive. So yesterday I decided that I needed to clean the microwave because I like clean microwaves and ours was getting gross and I cringed whenever I went to cook things. I'm not saying my roomies are gross because when I lived in my dorm room by my self I would cringe at my own microwave when it got too dirty for me to handle. My soul just would not be happy until my microwave was squeeky clean and adorable again. I'm just funny that way. So anyway though, I decided that I needed to clean the microwave which then translated in to cleaning off the table and to some extent the counters and I started to get a bit sniffly. I guess it was the dust and what not, but then I started choking on life again and it was really annoying. If you don't know--and probably you wouldn't--I seem to get this weird cough every now and again. The worst that ever happens is that I can sometimes have uncontrolable coughing fits and have a hard time breathing or I weaze, which I guess is pretty bad, but it's never anything like bronchitis or anything else that involves hacking. Also I'm pretty sure it is nothing contagious because no one has ever picked it up from me before. So while I was watching a movie--more about that later-- my cough got pretty bad. I figured it would be ok in the morning, but this morning I felt worse and all kind of dried out and plugged up. Have you ever felt like that? But now I am better and no sniffles and I will tell you about the movie! So I watched the new Nancy Drew movie that came out a while ago. I don't really go see movies often; in fact I actually can't remember the last time I was in a theater or what it was that I saw. In any case, I only just got around to watching it, and I actually thought It was pretty cute. I was really thrown by how young Nancy and her friends sounded though. At first I was confused because I have read a few Nancy Drew books and I honestly thought she was a bit older like sixteen or so. So she starts talking and I'm like o, are they making her a bit younger? Then she starts talking about her car and I was like she honestly doesn't sound old enough to drive. They really sounded at least thirteen. But otherwise I think they did a very nice job with it. O hey and you wanna know what? Today is the first day I have been in my pjs all day this whole week! This is exciting because It makes me not feel like such a lazy girl. And now I'm off to grand adventures! tootles!

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