Friday, February 18, 2011


It is almost super cold right now! And all I really want to do is curl up in my warm slumber cocoon and listen to my book until I fall asleep. However, I have not blogged in awhile and realize that you may be going through withdrawls. Can I just say that I hate making plans that may or may not happen the next day over facebook? It's mostly the waiting for a response that makes it a bit hard though. I'm kind of in the middle of that right now actually, (hang out Friday? Saturday? Friday?) and because it's me, I won't sleep until there is a concrete plan. Since other people have lives though, they are not on facebook all the time. I'm not either, but I also don't sleep. Why can't the rest of the world be undead like me? Ok, actually I take that back. I like the fact that most other people are asleep and that there is so much quiet. But I don't think I will get any more response because of how late it is. So after this post, I guess it's safe to sleep. So I made a stressball because I have some things in my life that are bugging me and I needed something to squeeze out my frustration. Roomy found a make your own stressball thingy online and it was something I had kinda always wanted to try so she and other roomy got balloons, but they were the wrong kind so I fixed the problem. Mine is green and filled with glue. I call it Squish. My roomies have yet to try. Aside from that not much has gone on really. There are some things I may tell you about at a later time, but I think I'll try sleeping now. P.S. I have fun new pajamas with polka dots on them.

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