Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Scratching

There now, I've said it. It does not make me feel better to have said it, but at least now there is a record. My falt of course, I have to own it and that maybe makes it worse, but I knew better and so it was my falt. I blame only myself.
It sucks, but there it is. ... sigh

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And I didn't have to call The Firemen! hehe

I have returned! Probably you didn't miss me because I have left you for longer periods of time, but this time was because I was unable to log in to my blog. I think this has happened to a few other bloggers as well because blogger is having all kinds of problems lately. But clearing my history helped.
So, I am back on but the stuff I really wanted to blog about will have to wait for another time because now that I am back on I am not really in a writing mood. Deal! jk I love you all.
O and my experimenting with format and stuff, yeah that didn't work. Not this time anyway. Sigh. Good Night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Of Shoes and Shopping

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I am one of the pickiest shoppers you will ever meet. I have no desire to follow the latest fashion, nor do I like much of what is even out there for fashion. It's just that I invision whatever it is that I want and almost nothing ever comes close. *sigh* At one point, E and I decided that I should just become a seamstress and be done with it. I can sew, I just don't know how to use a sewing machine--not yet anyway.
So I have a pare of white sandelsz that I love. When summer comes around, I wear them every day and my sneakers basically go in to summer hibernation. I even where these sandels to church and sometimes in the rain if it is not too too bad. But This summer I am afraid that I will not be able to wear my beloved white sandels. I've had them for some time now and they are very very warn and the bottoms should start coming off any time. So basically I need new sandles. So with out further ado, I present, a story of shoe shopping.
This weekend E and I went to find another pare of sandels that I could wear to death and for a few years. I guess that is part of why I am so picky, because I don't have the money to shoe shop that often. So I need sandles that I will love and that will last awhile. But first, here are my requirements.
  • slip on is prefered, though not required

  • open-toed

  • I am not a fan of thongs

  • I don't like leather

  • I don't like black or brown

  • I don't want any kind of heael

  • I would like some elivation to my sandels, not because I am short, but because if I am going to wear open toed shoes, I'd like to be not so close to the ground

Sounds simple right? ... have you seen shoes lately? So basically, everything I don't want is what's out there. And on top of that, a lot of what I don't want is what makes a sandel. How I found the perfect pare the last time I'll never know.
So E and I visited probably five or six different stores and found nothing. It was dress pants shopping all over again! Although actually we almost did find one pare, but in the end I decided that I wasn't in love with them. Guess I should learn to make shoes too huh?
So I bought coffee. Yup, I couldn't find shoes or chocolate-covered coffee beans--yes I have been looking for those for some time now--so I got coffee instead. The quest continues!
Oh, and in other news? Eddie and I are learning
song, among others. There may be another Eddie link for you soon. =D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday Night Partay!

Greetings! Can you guess what I've been up to? It's amazing how much time some things take up really. Today is Running Slippers' birthday. He is gone though so I won't be able to celebrate with him :( But he always goes back home for his birthday anyway, so I've never been able to. I have plans though ... oh do I have plans.

I think next week I'm going to start trying to be a real person instead of a sedintary mass of bla. Wish me luck.

Oh yes, and Also, I've been seeing a physical therapest about my leg. I know, finally right? It's too early to say how much it's helping right know, but he's a nice guy and everyone at the office seems really nice. I love that because I don't always know what I am doing or how to go about things and people with little patients or just general bad attitudes just make everything worse.

Sigh, what I wouldn't give for something munchy right now. But I think just now there is no more to tell you so I shall leave you with this


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In Colors

I am cozy here, here in the blue
All curled in my warm cocoon.
There is comfort here, in my cocoon,
Curled as if inside the womb.
Safe from harm, safe from cold
Safe from all the outside bold.
Blue for peace, a calming breeze
Green for vibrant life at ease.
Warmed I am and warmer still,
Warmth until I've had my fill.
Heat is white inside this cage,
The flaming white of multant rage.
Fevered burning roiling churning
liquid fire turning turning.
Boiling over, it can not stay
Until it melts and melts away.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hello again, I have missed you! Not feeling in the best of moods just now, but more on that later, I promise.
I got hangers! Yay, but somehow there are still clothes on my bed and kitty loves them. Tee hee
Darling Finn is finally going to get fixed! I know right, it took them this long? They aught to be ashamed.
There are no more sweet potato fries to be had. We ate them all. Darn you universe!
I think I may try to post more story stuff while I am thinking up what next to share with you. That way you won't get so lonely when I am away for days on end.
Uuummm, guess that's it. Good night. Be back soon.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Universe Speaks

Do you ever get hungry for something, and when you realize what that something is you also realize that you don't have it or the ingredients to make it? I know you do. It happens to me a lot. So today, I'm sitting with Roomy and I threw my hands up in the air and asked the universe what I wanted for dinner. Do you know what the universe told me? It said sweet potato fries.
So I had sweet potato fries and you know what? Darn the universe anyway because sweet potato fries are adictive! They are like crack! I want more of them! I want want want want want! And now I am looking up things to do with ritz crackers.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Funny Tone of Color

Do you ever hear people tell you to be careful how you say things? I have heard it before, though not necessarily directed at myself. One of my pet pieves is misplaced emphasis. It probably seems silly and not very many people understand when I try to explain, but as an example, "this blanket was made in Mexico, but we got it in New Mexico." Does this bother anyone else? I tried to explain to the speaker at the time that it should be "New Mexico" but that person didn't see the point. Please if you're going to make a point, try to emphisize the right word. I also hate it when people try to sing a song a capella and they get the spacing wrong; like when there is a pause where the music comes in, but the person comes in too soon. Ui ui ui! But that is more of a rhythm issue and not where I intended to take this.
Some people are tone deaf while others are just fine. I like to tell people I am tone sensitive, although not necessarily in terms of music. No matter what you say to me and no matter how well intentioned, it is always your tone of voice that I will react to. I know that seems pretty obvious, but for me it is the equivalent of reading facial expressions. I can not read facial expressions, so you can only imagine how much tones of voice mean to me. That being said, you might think I would have a problem with sarcasm or deadpan humer, but actually I don't. I do have problems when people aren't careful how they respond though.
I am not much bothered by distracted tones. If I feel I actually need something from you right then I will just keep on with my request, otherwise I am likely to drop the issue and come bug you later. Annoied tones are different though. If I come to you and your first response rings of annoyance and I can not immedietly identify what is annoying you, I will assume it is me or something I did at some point and feel bad. The worst one however, is anger. If I come to you, and you have just been having an argument with someone or you have been getting frustrated with something, and your response to me is angry even if it's not at me, I am likely to flinch, back hurridly away and avoid you for the rest of that day. For those of you who are wondering, yes, I am told I was a joy to raise, hehehe.
I won't say that I have not been guilty of any of these a time or two myself, but some people just don't realize and I only wish they would be more careful. Or we could all talk like Ben Stein and I'd be hopelessly lost. lols