Sunday, August 22, 2010

With His Teeth Dear

The smile, the smiles.
Too far, too close.
Time again to hide; to pull everything in.
Lest the blade's wind get too close.
Time to pull everything around me close and hold tight.
And yet there is still the smile.

Monday, August 9, 2010

To The Singing Of The Crickets

Has it been that long really? Hmm, well I suppose it has. Well, I'll try to post more often, though I can only post so much when there is nothing going on.
So, right here right now I am listening to the sound of the cricket chorus, and contemplating my life. It would seem that I am getting ready to move from the place that has for the most part been my home for the past four years. Of course I knew it was coming, but I was hoping to have a better exit plan than I seem to just now.I dislike uncertainty because to me it is one form of not having control. As a psych major I am compelled to point that Freud had some things to say about control, but then he had something to say about most things.In any case, I do like to be in total control where I am concerned.
Yes I can be terribly indecisive about things and for most things I am very adaptable and go with the flow,but there are some aspects I prefer to keep a tight rein on. This Is probably the number one reason I've never experimented with drugs.
So of course not havinga definite plan is making me anxious. We shall see. I may yet have no cause to worry

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Have Much Coco and Happiness

So I decided that I wanted hot chocolate tonight. It is cool enough not to be unbarable and with my fan on it is even a bit chilly.
Yesterday I went to see shakespeare on the common with some friends, good times were had by all. They did Othello which I had read before, but never seen. This now makes four Shakespeare plays that I have seen, two of which I had previously read before and six I have read alltogether. I really think I should make a habbit of going to more Shakespeare since his plays were never really meant to be read--except maybe by the actors. Also it's free so how can you lose?
I think I want to find a movie to watch now. Off to enjoy my coco, enjoy your evening!