Sunday, June 20, 2010

Counting The Hours

I can't sleep and it is annoying me. I think at least every summer for the past few years now I've become nocturnal unless there was some reason for me to get up early, in which case I usually just fell asleep afterward. *sighs* Somehow I keep ending up in rooms where i don't any sunlight in the morning and I think maybe this is part of the problem. I know when I have my curtains closed from the night before, it is very hard for me to wake up and stay awake.
I like the night well enough, but there is no one to talk to and really nothing to do with my limited resources. Usually I just download lots and lots of books because I've always had trouble sleeping and this usually helps me. lately though, I've just been up all night, a book playing and not entirely holding my interest.
I had actually thought I was beginning to finally turn my sleep cycle back to rights, but I guess not. I fall asleep around 7 a.m. and have been getting up around 10. It looks like this is going to repeat for another few days so I really wish I could get some sleep. I am completely exhausted, but my body just won't give me the satisfaction of a night's rest. Also, I really hate sleeping when it is still light outside. I've always had an aversion to naps during the day, but when my body wants to sleep and there is nothing around to keep me awake ...
In the book I am reading now, the main character's love interest really started off as a complete jerk. So far he hasn't redeemed himself in my opinion, but i'm not the one he's trying to have a relationship with so I guess that doesn't Matter. Actually the only thing he said that really bothered me was that girls are supposed to like romantic novels. WHAT!!! I hate romance novels; they make me gag. The only reason I've read more than one of them is because sometimes people misfile them if the author writes in more than one genre. I've gone to the library for a good mystery and accidentally gotten a romance by the same author instead. I like to tell my brother, "well if no one dies before the next cd/tape is over, I'm going to stop reading this." lol
Well, enough about that. I suppose really all I can do is continue listening to my book and keep counting hours I must wait before it is polite to talk to people again.
Hope you are getting more sleep than I am.

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