Monday, April 19, 2010

The Happy Place

Early in the morning when the sun begins to make its rounds, it makes a happy and most welcome stop by my own window for awhile. If I am awake early enough and can afford the luxury of laying in bed for an hour or two, I get to enjoy it. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I truly truly truly love the sun. It is true , I have a fascination with snow and all things frozen water or vapor, but the sun is in my soul.
When the sun smiles on nature and turns the snow in to so many tiny crystals, or the rain to falling diamonds it is like a fairy world. With out the sun I feel lost and somewhat shriveled up inside. When I am there on my bed, with the sun calling at my window, it is my happy place. I can contemplate God's creation, or the rest of my day or even the rest of my week, and there is always calm.
Some mornings are cloudy or dreary and this tends to affect my whole day. Not that I will be in a nasty mood toward everyone for seemingly no reason, but I am never entirely as happy as I am with a visit from the sun; my own friend Phoebus

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