Friday, November 26, 2010

Becoming Scrooge

I am seriously considering putting myself up for adoption for the holidays! I'm small, no one will notice I'm over 18 right? ha! not likely. So I think I have mentioned before that along with all the holiday joy and funness winter also makes me very sad. Well, this seems to be a bit of something else, but it doesn't help.
I think my mom got an invite to some friends for Christmas dinner. I absolutely completely unrepentently do not want to go! Not by any means! I am really starting to not look forward to the holidays. Truth be told we haven't actually had any kind of Christmas anything in some time which I was already not happy about.
O I know christmas isn't about the tree or santa and the presents, but that isn't even what I miss. I haven't really wanted anything for the last several Christmases anyhow. I'd really like to have Christmas at all. And If I'm gonna do that, I don't want to do it with anyone but my own family. I refuse to have anyone else's Christmas again!
Yes We have done it before and it just wasn't right. So here's to holidays with family and less complaining about my life.

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