Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Finger

Quick, someone call whoever is in charge of the home for abused fingers! ... What? there isn't one? This poor finger! It has been very badly hurt by it's owner and there needs to be an intervention, stat! At the very least, the finger really should see a doctor. Someone call a doctor for this poor finger! For all that is tactile save this poor finger!
And by now you're probably wondering just what I've done to my "poor finger." Yes, it is my finger. Well, It all started a few days ago when I was making cupcakes.
I don't actually know how it happened, but while the cupcakes were in the oven, I noticed that I had somehow cut my finger. Then a few days later when I wasmaking myself a sandwich, I burnt the tip of my finger on the--um--er--pan? And then somehow somewhere I burnt my finger again. Then it got poked a bunch of times while I was making stuff out of craft wire. youch!
Yeah, now do you see? And now it's all bandaged and shrivelly. Um, yeah. . . don't take your bandade off to check your finger, it's not usually pretty.
Oh, yes you should definitely take your bandade off at somepoint, that's only healthy. Just don't do it like while you're eating or something.

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